Computer Graphics Presented by: May Lau
What is Computer Graphics?
Scan Image, Photo, Clipart, Drawings … 3D drawings… ..
Computer graphic is a representation and manipulation of image data by a computer.
What’s the different between these two Graphics? Which one looks better? WHY ?
IMG01 Bitmap Graphics IMG02 Vector Graphics
Src: Bitmap Graphics
Definition A bitmap is a type of graphic composed of pixels in a grid. Format JPG, GIF Software Paint Brush, PhotoImpact Advantages Most systems, browsers and graphic software can open and edit. Disadvantages Resizing a bitmap can result in distortion and jagged edges. Uses Display on webpages
Src: Vector Graphics
Definition Vector is made up of many individual objects, which can be defined by mathematical statements and have individual properties. CDR JPG, SWF Software Coral Draw, Flash Advantages Vector image is resolution independent. Disadvantages Specific software or plus-in is needed for a particular format. Uses Graphic design