MODSIM A River Basin Management Decision Support System Iman Sabzzadeh, Dec 2011
Models Classification Precipitation-Runoff Models HEC-HMS Hydraulic Models MIKE 11 Groundwater Models MODFLOW River Basin Management Models MODSIM
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management New Paradigm Such a new paradigm is encapsulated in the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) concept, which has been defined by GWP as ‘a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital eco-systems’.
IWRM Spatial Integrity Temporal Integrity Resource Integrity Continue Spatial Integrity Temporal Integrity Resource Integrity Demand /Supply Management Quantity-Quality Integrity Multi-Objective Aspects (Objective Integrity)
River Basin Management Decision Support Systems DSS: A process and a tool for solving problems that are too complex for humans alone, but usually too qualitative for only computers. Multiple objectives can complicate the task of decision-making, especially when the objectives conflict.
River Basin Management Decision Support Systems-2 MODSIM (Colorado State University) WEAP (Stockholm Environment Institute) MIKE BASIN (DHI Water and Environment) RIBASIM (Delft Hydraulic)
MODSIM (Labadie, 2010) Shafer and Labadie (1978), CSU Decision Support System River Basin Management Model Simulation-Optimization Model Simulation=Descriptive Optimization=Preemptive Priority-Based Network Flow Programming Lagrangian Relaxation Customizing (C++, VB & C#, Object Oriented Programming)
MODSIM The GUI of MODSIM and it’s graphical objects How do we modeling a River Basin in MODSIM (by a practical example)? Define a project