NoSQL Databases NoSQL Concepts Databases Telerik Software Academy
Table of Contents NoSQL Databases Relational vs NoSQL Databases Overview Data models Relational vs NoSQL Databases
Overview, Models, Concepts, Examples NoSQL Databases Overview, Models, Concepts, Examples
Relational vs. NoSQL Databases Relational databases Data stored as table rows Relationships between related rows Single entity spans multiple tables RDBMS systems are very mature, rock solid NoSQL databases Data stored as documents or other values Single entity (document) is a single record Documents do not have a fixed structure
Non-Relational Data Models Document model Set of documents, e.g. JSON strings Key-value model Set of key-value pairs Hierarchical key-value Hierarchy of key-value pairs Wide-column model Key-value model with schema Object model Set of OOP-style objects
What is NoSQL Database? NoSQL databases Schema-free document storage Still support indexing and querying Still support CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) Still supports concurrency and transactions Can have nested values Highly optimized for append / retrieve Great performance and scalability NoSQL == “No SQL” or “Not Only SQL”?
Relational vs. NoSQL Models Relational Model Document Model Name Doncho Minkov Gender male Phone +359333777555 Email Site Name: Doncho Minkov Gender: male Phone: +359333777555 Address: - Street: Al. Malinov 31 - Post Code: 1729 - Town: Sofia - Country: Bulgaria Email: Site: * 1 Street Al. Malinov 31 Post Code 1729 * 1 Town Sofia * 1 Country Bulgaria
NoSQL Databases
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