AUSTRALIA Done by Alice Baranov
Australia Nowadays when people speak of Australia they can mean three things: 1) Australia as a continent; 2) Australia as an island and 3) Australia as an independent country.
Geographical position Asia is the continent nearest to Australia in the north. The icy shores of Antarctica lie in the south. New Zealand is to the east. To the west of Australia stretches the vast Indian Ocean. In the east the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean.
Deserts Australia is a land of striking differences. In the centre of the continent and in the west more than 50% of the land is desert. There are three deserts there – the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert. Naturally very few people live there
Forests and mountains In the northeast, tropical forests cover the coast. In the mountains of the southeast the snow lies for seven months of the year.
Animals It is interesting to notice that though most of the territory is too dry or too hot Australia has an extraordinary collection of birds and animals. Many of them are found only there.
People Most of the dry land is uninhabited, which explains Australia’s small population – about 18 million people. Australia is divided into 6 states and 2 territories.
Interesting places Sydney Opera House on the Sydney Harbor the Great Barrier Reef The Pinnacles in Cervantes Islands Nature Reserve
Interesting places Kakadu National Park The Pinnacles in Cervantes MacDonell Creek
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