A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens By Charles Dickens
This book has been written by Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. Born in Portsmouth, England, Dickens was forced to leave school to work in a factory, although he had little formal education. He created some of the world`s memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as a greatest novelist of the Victorian period
I opened this book for myself at my English lesson of home reading
Most of all I liked unexpected end and details of the description Most of all I liked unexpected end and details of the description. My favourite moment is when Scrooge was visited by the ghost of his partner who was wearing a long and heavy chain.
My favourite character is Ebenezer Scrooge. I like him because he is like me – angry, greedy and melancholy . But he was able to change and can be a good example for everybody.
The main idea of the book. The book makes it clear that it is necessary to share sorrows and joys of our fellow men. Enjoy everything and everyone around . I`m sure the book will help me in future because it helps understand what is important in our life and what is not.
I will recommend this book to all my friends It`s a very interesting and awesome book. Everybody must read it. This book conveys the mood of Christmas, which leaves bright impressions . More than that, it gives you a chance to practice your listening skills, the language and enlarge your vocabulary.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. This is the book I’m going to read next . I will read it soon. And of course I`ll try to tell you the story of this interesting book which has been written by Lewis Carrol.
http://catalog.prosv.ru/category/1?filter%5B8%5D%5B%5D%3D=30 http://catalog.prosv.ru/item/10539 Charles Dickens, retold by Jenny Dooley A Christmas Carol. Reader. Книга для чтения Фотографии из фильма A Christmas Carol (2009)