English Theatre to 1642 (Historical Background)


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Presentation transcript:

English Theatre to 1642 (Historical Background) Though the late Middle Ages & the Renaissance coexisted, historians admit that medieval elements were dominant until about 1500. The decline of the Middle Ages/emergence of the Renaissance is attributed to: Decline of feudalism Growth of cities Increased power of princes Challenges to church dominance Scholars have come to call the priod from about 1500 to about 1700 the “Early Modern” period. This is because the changes happening (see above) became the basis for modern Western culture. The Early Modern period also overlaps with the Renaissance. This is why Shakespeare’s language is called Early Modern English! Samples of artwork from the Renaissance period. Image: http://www.myinterestingfacts.com/renaissance-facts/ 1

English Theatre to 1642 (Historical Background) The Renaissance is associated with a revived interest in humanist ideals of the classical world. Humanism – a marked concern for the worth of humanity and earthly life, not simply as preparation for eternity but as valuable in themselves. Humanists were not against religion: they championed many virtues and ideals that matched with religious teachings. However, they acknowledged “pleasures of the flesh” (food, drink, etc. in excess) and humans’ tendency toward temptation and error. The classical world of Greece and Rome were inspiration for Western Europe’s interest in humanism. A simplified explanation of humanism. Image: http://www.humanistprofessionals.eu/humanism/ 2

English Theatre to 1642 (Historical Background) The Renaissance was an era of expansion through geographical exploration scientific experimentation philosophical inquiry artistic creativity. The goal of education became the development of a whole human being, skilled in many fields (including art). The earliest and greatest impact of the Renaissance was in Italy. In Spain and England, the method of staging plays was still based in traditions of the Middle Ages. Renaissance education sought to develop a whole human being, in a variety of skill areas. Image: http://education14.blogspot.com/2008/11/viii-education-during-renaissance.html 3

English Theatre to 1642 (Historical Background) England was barely affected by the Renaissance until the late 1600’s. This was due to several major conflicts: The Hundred Years’ War (fighting over areas of France) The Black Death (plague) The War of the Roses (civil war for the English throne) Henry VII (the 7th) founded the Tudor bloodline which ruled England for over 100 years. The Tudors brought a strong central government to England, making it a major international power. Henry VII, who established the Tudor line. The rose he holds is both red and white, symbolizing the uniting of the houses of Lancaster (red) and York (white) after the War of the Roses. Image: http://englishhistory.net/tudor/monarchs/henry-vii/ 4

English Theatre to 1642 (Historical Background) One of the most important forces shaping English drama in the late 1600’s were the controversies caused by Henry VIII (the 8th). He broke from the Roman Catholic church and made England the first nation to embrace the Protestant Reformation. He forced citizens to convert and dissolved monasteries, creating political controversy. After his death and the death of his son Edward, his oldest daughter, Mary, attempted to return England to Catholicism. Since she married a Spanish prince, when Mary died, Spain felt it was their duty to remove Elizabeth I from the throne. Henry VIII (center) and his three children who succeeded him: Edward (left), Mary (right), and Elizabeth (far right). Image: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/henry8face4.htm 5