History A-level Aims: To identify the key aspects of the A-Level History course. To prepare for the history A-level. Deeper Thinking Questions: Why do you think the course looks interesting? How can you prepare for the A-level effectively?
History A-Level Course details OCR Level 3 Advanced GCE in History A (H505) First Assessment 2017 England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558) Russia 1894-1941 Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries Russia 1894-1941
History A-Level Course details Assessment Objectives (Aos) Where can I find out more? http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/as-a-level-gce-history-a-h105-h505-from-2015/
History A-Level Course content Watch the film clips. Fill out the table based on what you have seen. Focus on explaining what looks interesting to you. Challenge: record your points in a way which answers the ‘Deeper Thinking Questions’ to push your understanding further. Swap and exchange your points with other students, and be ready to feedback. What else looks interesting? Highlight the course content to identify.
History A-Level Course content Topic What the evidence shows Record key points. What looks interesting to you and why? Deeper Thinking Questions Can you link any of your points to these questions? England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558) To what extent was there a crisis during the Mid-Tudor period? How far did the Tudor monarchs deal with their problems effectively? Russia 1894-1941 How far was Russia stable during this period? What are the moral implications of the methods used by the Russian leaders to keep control? Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries To what extent can the sources help us to understand beliefs about witchcraft in the early modern period? Were there any differences between beliefs in Europe, Britain and America? Explain your opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xN_89uynqw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMGrIwLj7gU // Days that shook the world dvd (series 1 – disc 3, episode 5 – the murder of the Romanovs 0.00-6.15) http://www.netflix.com/watch/60011075?trackId=50361908&tctx=0%252C0%252Ccc7b59939723f2bcdc436721d7e7f45d673386ff%253A001a007800ad26779873ca3d994a5b544f51b724 (Crucible 41 mins – 54 mins max) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oXzcaCLHDg – Scene in church)
Independent Learning Task History A-level Independent Learning Task Deeper Thinking Questions: Why do you think the course looks interesting? How can you prepare for the A-level effectively?
History A-Level Independent Learning Task You have been given two sources of evidence for each of the three topics. Choose one source for each topic. Read/look at the source. Annotate it to identify the key points. Use the source to complete the table for each topic. Challenge: Can you link any of your points to the ‘Deeper Thinking Questions’? Ensure that you have this work with you in September. Each teacher will go through the work with you, and will expect you to apply your understanding in their lessons. The task will start your progress along the History A-Level Assessment Objectives. Extension: Read, visit, watch. What additional information can you find about each topic from books, novels, programmes, films, museums, newspapers, visiting historical sights?
History A-Level Independent Learning Task Topic What the evidence shows Annotate one source for each topic. Record key points below, including the title of the source you chose to focus on. Explain what this suggests about the topic. Deeper Thinking Questions Can you link any of your points to these questions? England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558) To what extent was there a crisis during the Mid-Tudor period? How far did the Tudor monarchs deal with their problems effectively?
Charges against the Duke of Somerset by the Privy Council To what extent was there a crisis during the reign of the Tudors? How far did the Tudor monarchs deal with their problems in the same way? Source 1: England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558)
The burning of Thomas Cranmer from Foxe's Book of Martyrs Source 2: England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558)
History A-Level Independent Learning Task Topic What the evidence shows Annotate one source for each topic. Record key points below, including the title of the source you chose to focus on. Explain what this suggests about the topic. Deeper Thinking Questions Can you link any of your points to these questions? Russia 1894-1941 How far was Russia stable during this period? What are the moral implications of the methods used by the Russian leaders to keep control?
Accounts of January 1905 from the diary of Tsar Nicholas II Source 1: Russia 1894-1941
The Moscow Purge Punch Magazine 1937 Source 2: Russia 1894-1941
History A-Level Independent Learning Task Topic What the evidence shows Annotate one source for each topic. Record key points below, including the title of the source you chose to focus on. Explain what this suggests about the topic. Deeper Thinking Questions Can you link any of your points to these questions? Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries To what extent can the sources help us to understand beliefs about witchcraft in the early modern period? Were there any differences between beliefs in Europe, Britain and America? Explain your opinion.
The Devils Of Loudun By Aldous Huxley To what extent can the sources help us to understand beliefs about witchcraft in the early modern period? Were there any differences between beliefs in Europe, Britain and America? Explain. Source 1: Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries Witchcraft on the High Seas: The Voyage of King James and the North Berwick Witch Trials By Carolyn Emerick The North Berwick Witches meet the Devil in the local kirkyard, from a contemporary pamphlet, Newes From Scotland Source 2: Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries