Lesson Starter Name (and give the use of) 2 plants used in a) medicine b)food c) raw materials
Propagating and growing plants
Plants are also used as FUELS Plants as fuels: copy Plants are also used as FUELS Fuel for fire Plants can also be used in the production of biofuel
Think.. Pair.. Share What is a biofuel? Use the pictures to help you Think: 30 seconds to think of your own answer (in silence)- you can write it down Pair: person 1 speaks while person 2 listens then switch- come up with a combined answer and write it on the post-it Share: Stick the post it to the board to be shared with the rest of the class
Biofuel http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/znfpyrd Watch the video and answer the following questions: How is the biofuel made? Why is it more environmentally friendly? What is it currently being used for?
Biofuel Carbon neutral fuel made from cooking oil, animal fat and plants such as sunflowers. The fuel is mostly mixed with normal diesel to power lorries and some cars. Biodiesel is produced from plant material and so in theory it is carbon neutral – the plants it is produced from consume the same amount of carbon dioxide as is produced when the biodiesel is burned
Bioethanol In tropical countries sugar cane grows fast. It contains a carbohydrate called sucrose. Maize can be broken down by an enzyme into glucose. If sugar-rich products are fermented anaerobically with yeast, they produce ethanol and water.
Bioethanol The ethanol can be extracted by distillation and then used as a fuel for cars. Cars need to be modified if they use pure ethanol. Whilst cars can run on a mixture of petrol and ethanol (called Gasohol) without problems.
You may use your phone to help.. Write a 4 mark answer for the following question: “Describe how biofuels can be produced and what they are used for”
Model answer Biofuels are designed to replace gasoline, diesel fuel and coal, which are called “fossil fuels” (because they are made from animals and plants that died millions of years ago) Biofuels are made mostly from plants that have just been harvested. Biofuels are more commonly being used to replace fossil fuels- fossil fuels are finite (they will run out) where as biofuels are renewable. Biofuels are also less harmful to the environment as they are carbon neutral
Value of Plants Give reasons as to why growing a large number of plants is valuable to humans
Value of plants Air- oxygen from plants Food- EVERYTHING (directly or indirectly) Habitat- wildlife Medicine- ¼ of prescription drugs from plants and 4/5 of world population rely on themfor primary health care Climate- reduce co2 (global warming) Water- regulate water cycle