KRAPINA –ZAGORJE AIRPORT FOR SPORTS AND TOURIST ACTIVITIES Krapinsko-zagorska županija s motrišta infrastrukture zračnog prometa potpuno je nerazvijena. To je jedina županija koja nema ni jedan manji sportski aerodrom, letjelište ili zračnu luku. Sukladno tome, nakon provedenih istraživanja došlo se do zaključka da postoji potreba za aerodromom i to u svrhu: školovanja pilota, hangariranja malih zrkoplova, jedriličarstva, padobranstva balonaštva, aviomodelarstva te razvoju turizma i gospodarstva cijele županije KRAPINA –ZAGORJE AIRPORT FOR SPORTS AND TOURIST ACTIVITIES
Reasons for founding NON EXISTANT AIR TRAFFIC IN KRAPINA ZAGORJE COUNTY POTENTIAL FOR SMALL SPORTS AIRFIELD, SPORTS AIRPORT OR PASSENGER/ CARGO AIRPORT BASED ON THE STUDY REPORT, FOLLOWING SMALL SPORTS AIRPORT ACTIVITIES ARE DETECTED: Landing and storage of small sport aircrafts, Development and support of various air sports: gliding, parachuting, ballooning, airplane modeling Contribution to overall County economic and tourism development
Major tourist attractions of Krapina-Zagorje County Museums of the Croatian Zagorje Museum of Krapina Neanderthal Old Village Kumrovec with Tito’s birth house Castle Veliki Tabor Museum of Peasants’ Rebellion August Augustinčić Gallery Sanctuary of Marija Bistrica Baroque church in Belec Castles and Manors of Croatian Zagorje SPAs of Croatian Zagorje Krapinske Toplice Tuheljkse Toplice Stubičke Toplice Toplice Jezerčica
Project preparation steps Site selection Preliminary design Environmental study Location permit Declaration of interest of The Government of Republic of Croatia for Gubaševo airport development
Location Macro location Micro location
Shareholder structure Krapina-Zagorje County – 96% City of Zabok – 4%
Development phases Power line underground cabel impositioning - accompilshed Airport access road construction - Phase I - accomplished Hangar #1 Fuel storage Construction of the main grass runway, access runways, parking lot and fance Control tower Electric power transformer station Hangar #2 Hangar # 3 with the additional access runway and parking lot Airport access road – Phase II The asphalt runway construction Estimated investment required for Phase 3 – Phase 11 = € 5.2 Million
Grass vs Asphalt Runway Runway construction anticipated in 2 phases Phase 5 - grass runway construction Phase 11 - asphalt runway construction Facts: Grass runway construction represents 40% of a total runway costs Grass runway maintenance costs on the level of € 65.000 / annum Grass runway limited time usage ( weather Asphalt runway additional 60% of total runway cost Asphalt runway allows whole year usage Asphalt runway allows Landing of aircrafts with up to 25 passengers Asphalt runway - lower maintenance cost Merging Phase 5 and Phase 11 is more rational option from the cost and airport usage perspective
Air view of the present status Air view of the airport (Phase I and Phase II): Grass runway with marks Access road to the airport Container offices and storage
Approvals CCAA – Croatian Civil Aviation Agency has issued Permission to use of „Zabok – Gubaševo Airport to the operator „Krapinsko-zagorski Aerodrom d.o.o. ICAO code has been assigned to Airport Zabok – LDZK Radio frequency 123,500 was assigned for portable radio station
Events National championship of aircraft modelers category 3.
Events September 24, 2011 the first landing and takeoff was performed Participation of more than 20 airplanes (Robinson R-44, Pirat, Cessna 172 and others)
County Perfect Mr. Siniša Hajdaš Dončić takeoff from the Lučko airport in Cessna 172 and made the first landing at the Zabok- Gubaševo Airport
Events October 23, 2011 DVD Gubaševo (Volunteer Fire Department) and Zagorski aeroklub (Air Club Zagorje) in cooperation with Krapina-Zagorje Airport performed a tactical rescue training for the case od plane crash or other type of airplane accident.
Events September 11, 2011 The Paraglide Club Zabok was founded and the international competition in precision landing was held.
Thank you!