Justification of SLAVERY!! Created by the one and only BML
IS Slavery Okay? Slaveholders obviously tried to justify it They had pretty good reasons to back up their belief of slavery….. But we all know that slavery is WRONG!
Biblical Backup Canaan (Son of Ham) condemned to eternal servitude Servants admonished to obey their masters and accept their lot
Historical Backup Slavery found in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome Aristotle thought that men of superior talents would become masters over inferior
Legal Backup Not forbidden in constitution Slaves (all other persons) =3/4 of a person for representation Overseas slave trade protected for 20 years Runaway slaves had to be returned
Scientific Backup Blacks had been created separately (polygenesis) They were an inferior race, felt were deficient in reason, judgment and forecast
Other Said releasing slaves would put a burden on both white and black because then blacks would have to feed cloth and shelter themselves Felt slave system would domesticate blacks Paternalistic sociological defense of slavery