Finding a Path to STEM Deidra Mayer Erin Lovelady Ryan Litchfield
Challenges Economic Impacts Academic challenges Are students meeting the challenge? Nearly 26 industrialized nations have HS students out preforming the US in math and science Academic challenges 35% of eight grade students performed at or above the proficient level in Math 16% of HS choose to go STEM, only ½ graduate with a degree in STEM
Counselor Resources Counselors Programs University Connections Direct students to begin exploring Work with Teachers to create STEM clubs/groups Programs STEM Premier Create STEM Profile to see how they rank among other students NASA Center programs Career assessments (College Board) University Connections Connecting students early STAIRSTEP/student groups Resources for you Career Fair Counseling for STEM STEM Connector
Outreach Early recognition Professional development in STEM Provide a bridge for teachers Develop Career Days TAME trailers Professional development in STEM Research experience for teachers (RET) Project Lead the Way
Outreach for Students Raising student awareness On going opportunities Summer programs (Lamar and other) Annual activities STEM research conferences Cardinal View On going opportunities Sponsor an engineering day Career days Suggested programs
Scholarships in STEM Opportunities across Texas Scholarships Grants Private foundations Federal government Grants School and Student Financial need Minority Students
Resources Discover Engineering (free community event) LITE Camp (7th and 8th grade students) Chem E 101 Camp X-Plore LUEE Roboscience Academy Summer Camps San Jacinto College Summer Camps American Robotics Academy Summer Camps ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp Cougar STEM Camp Xplorations Summer Camps (multiply dates during the summer)
Contact Us: Deidra Mayer Interim, Sr. Director Office of Student Recruitment Erin Lovelady Director, Outreach and Student Services College of Engineering Ryan Litchfield Coordinator, Marketing and Communications College of Engineering