Space for Change
History and mission Ponton operates in Pilsen since 1996 and in Příbram since 2010. Ponton vision is to actively develop children and young people so they can positively influence their own lives. Ponton ideally manages with 10 million Czech crones per year (370 000 Euro). Ponton daily support more than 100 kids and youth. Ponton has 3 registered social services and employs 18 people. Ponton realizes 4 major projects and other smaller mainly sports and cultural projects. The main goal of the projects is to support the healthy development of children, youth and their parents, who live in socially excluded environments, or are in a difficult life situation.
Ponton activities are focused in particular on: Meaningful leisure time. Minimizing the risks associated with living in a socially uninspiring environment. Support in dealing with difficult life situations. Education. Talent development. Interdisciplinary cooperation.
The average daily attendance in 2015 was 29 kids/ youth a day. Low – treshold club for kids and youth aged 6 – 20 let in Pilsen. Main goals: Counseling (education, work, housing, relationships…) Tutoring, free time activities Superstructural activities (gym, music room, trips ...) Opening hours: Club Mo. – Th.14:00 – 19:00 Contact room: Mo., Tu., We. Th. 11:00 – 14:00, Fr. - 11:00 – 15:00 Staff: 5 The average daily attendance in 2015 was 29 kids/ youth a day.
Low – treshold club for kids and youth aged 6 – 20 let in Příbram. Main goals: Counseling (education, work, housing, relationships…) Tutoring, free time activities Superstructural activities (gym, music room, trips ...) Opening hours: Club Mo. – Th.14:00 – 19:00 Contact room: Mo. – Th. 11:00 – 14:00 Fieldwork: We. 13:00 – 18:00 Staff: 5 The average daily attendance in 2015 was 23 kids/ youth a day (club)/ 16 kids/ youth a day (fieldwork).
Preschool program for children 3 to 7 years old and their parents. Capacity: 17 kids (average daily attendance 12) Main goals: Minimize the risk of failure on entering the school Prepare the child for the first class of basic school Speech Therapy Include parents in the education of their child (regular activities for parents and children, workshops for parents) Counseling for parents and their problems (housing, debt, work etc.) Opening hours: Mo. – We. 8:00 – 14:00; service is following the school year Staff: 2 The total number of supported children in 2015 was 30 and 23 cooperating parents.
Field program in Pilsen for children and teenagers from 11 to 26 years of age. Main goals: Support quality leisure time Minimizing risks (prevention of drug abuse, including a cigarette and alcohol prevention of crime, etc.) Counseling (school, part time jobs, debt, relationships etc.) Organization of leisure activities (dancing competitions, sports tournaments, educational trips, summer camp) Staff: 3 The total number of participating children and young people in the project in 2015 was 198 and 77 new users of the services.