Sustainability The original goal of Project SHARE was to engage the network in a review of prior funded NLM health literacy projects and to select one for sustainable replication.
Sustainability All groups have some element of project or partner continuity planned. Sustainability comes in multiple forms.
1. Changing community cultural defaults Eastern Connecticut AHEC Developed tribal leader partnerships and project valuation Southwest Colorado AHEC Gained tribal promotion of AHEC’s annual health careers summer camp amongst tribal youth
2. Developing lasting structures and partnerships that adapt with the initiative over time Eastern Connecticut AHEC Enhanced tribal leader partnerships and gained long term project adoption Montana AHEC Received a commitment from Montana’s Office of Public Instruction to promote Project SHARE statewide
2. Developing lasting structures and partnerships that adapt with the initiative over time – Cont. Boston AHEC Will include Project SHARE in their Health Insurance Literacy Program now and in the future. BQLI AHEC Will include Project SHARE in their Summer Health Internship Program now and in the future.
3. Performing work that reaches those with the greatest health equity needs All AHEC Awardees All awardees are serving minority and underserved youth with large health disparities for their populations Striving to bring the level of equity into equilibrium
4. Maintaining or growing resources Remains to be seen for all awardees