Brookfield Civic Association Celebrating & Informing Our Community March 31, 2011 7:30 pm, Brookfield Elementary School
Agenda Guest Speakers: Welcome / About BCA Minutes, Old Business & Committee Reports Recent Accomplishments & Photos Public Safety & Commercial Parking Updates Guest Speakers: Senator Dave Marsden, VA’s 37th District
Welcome / About BCA
Brookfield Civic Association Mission Statement “May we reach out our hands in service, and be blessed with enough foolishness to believe that we can make enough difference in this world to go out and do what others claim cannot be done!” The purpose of The Brookfield Civic Association is to bring together an inclusive group of residents who share the common goal of promoting a safe and healthy community that is a great place to live.
Current BCA Board of Directors (“Core Group”) Margie Wheedleton Steve Russick Jim Rollins John Moore Shelley Leeds Larry Leeds Terrie Koustenis Sami Besalel
Neighborhood Reps Sami Besalel John Moore Terrie Koustenis Shelley Leeds John Moore Steve Russick Margie Wheedleton Additional reps needed. See us after the meeting or email Event Schedule 03/31/11, 7:30 pm - General Meeting, Brookfield Elementary School cafeteria. Guest speaker: Senator Dave Marsden, Virginia Center for the 37th District. TBD: Bike & Hike TBD: Spring Clean-Up Check Web site for news, crime prevention tips, for local events, government news & meetings. Site created and maintained by Web hosting by
Contacting BCA Postal Address: The Brookfield Civic Association P.O. Box 222852 Chantilly, Virginia 20153-2582 Email: Web:
Minutes & Committee Reports
Recent Accomplishments
Recent Accomplishments Brookfield Bike & Hike 2010 Child Fingerprinting & Property Engraving program Proposal for Connector bus re-route incoming to Brookfield from Route 50
Recent Accomplishments Adopt-A-Highway Program – cleanup activities at Rt. 50 Traffic Light at Poplar Tree and Lees Corner Road Neighborhood Watch signs / program New bridge across stream New Brookfield entrance wall Flagpole installation Street sweeping & ice removal
Bike & Hike Over 50 people attended our Bike & Hike on April 18, 2010 Events included: Our thanks to: 2 bike hikes along Frog Branch Creek 2 walking tour/hikes along the Frog Branch Creek path Free face painting Hula Hoop Jamboree / contest Free grilled food, drinks and snacks Bonni Epstein, organizer Fairfax County Police safety officers for Leadership & attendance Free water bottles and free bike helmets Boy Scouts for leading the walk BCA volunteers Brookfield Swim Club We plan to offer this again this coming spring
Join us in thanking them. The good folks living at this home took the initiative to beautify their neighborhood by mowing the strip of grass along the Brookfield wall. Join us in thanking them. They are the first to receive the honorary Brookfield Initiative Award.
Fingerprint America Child Identification Program 100 children were fingerprinted and/or photographed by our volunteers and Sully District Police on November 21, 2009, at the Chantilly Regional Library. Photos & fingerprint cards went home with the parents to keep, as an immediate aid to authorities in case of tragedy. BCA sponsored “nearly free” photos to accompany. This will be a continuing project of your Brookfield Civic Association.
The Program in Action
Some of the Volunteers
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Brookfield Civic Association has adopted the south side portion and median of Route 50 (Lee Jackson Hwy) Spans from Stringfellow Road west to Galesbury Lane
Next Neighborhood Cleanup & Adopt-a-Highway Next Cleanup Date To Be Announced. Will perform at least 3x per year. TO VOLUNTEER, please contact Margie Wheedleton PHONE: (703) 378-8267 EMAIL: THANKS IN ADVANCE!
Bridge over Frog Creek
Neighborhood Photographs
One Year Ago…
Still Missing: One Bridge Start here on Lees Corner and follow the path down…
Natural Beauty in Brookfield
Public Safety & Commercial Parking Updates
Community Parking District Program (CPD) Updates A CPD restricts certain parking in a limited area. Restrictions only apply to public streets in residential areas within any CPD. Previous process to obtain a CPD is to go door-to-door to get petitions. In March 2008, Board of Supervisors approved an amendment to allow for a new process to create a large area CPD. District supervisor submits a request that would include most or all of their magisterial district. BCA is attempting to get a CPD using this new process. Our Sully District Supervisor, Michael Frey, has been uncooperative.
Restrictions in a CPD Area: Boat Trailer Watercraft (boat) Motor Home Camping Trailer Trailer or Semi-trailer, even if attached to a vehicle Vehicle >= 3 axles Vehicle w/gross vehicle weighted rating (GVWR) >= 12,000 lbs
CPD Exemptions Vehicles temporarily parked (for up to 48 hours) for the purpose of loading, unloading or preparing for a trip are exempt. More information is available at
Large Area CPDs Mt. Vernon: 3/10/2008 Lee: 10/19/2009 Reston: 4/27/2010 Springfield (including Greenbriar): 2/23/2010 /
Neighborhood CPDs More than 25 Sully District neighborhoods have Community Parking Districts
How Can You Help Improve the Neighborhood? Brookfield Civic Association wants to help its residents keep the neighborhood safe, clean, lawful, and pleasant. When you see a problem, you are encouraged to act. Here are a few ways to fix some common problems: Report illegally parked vehicles Report zoning violations Report suspicious activity Report suspected overcrowding (multiple families in residence) Report “ridiculously long” grass (or cut it yourself)
Parking Issues – Illegally Parked Commercial Vehicles Fairfax County has new commercial parking regulations that affect the whole county, including our neighborhood. Community Parking District (CPD) info, video and explanation. For safety or parking concerns, call the Fairfax Police Non-Emergency Number: (703) 691-2131
Reporting Zoning Violations If someone in the neighborhood is running a boarding house, or if several unrelated renters are living in one home, or to report a violation, file a complaint. Complaints are anonymous. Go online to report zoning issues. Go to: Click “File a Complaint”
Uncut Grass Complaints If the grass in a home is over 12 inches high, you can complain to Fairfax County Land Development. The owner is warned and is given a time period to fix. If not, the county will have the lawn mowed and charge the owner $400
Neighborhood Watch Neighborhood Watch program running. Volunteer patrol teams patrol the neighborhood at least 2 days a week. Signs are posted along Lees Corner Road. Thanks to Lloyd Pierce and for the active trained volunteers for their time. TRAINING IS REQUIRED (FREE). Next Session: 7:00 pm, Monday, May 30, 2011 @ Sully District Police Station. Check web site for additional training dates (updated as we are notified).
Neighborhood Watch Training More volunteers needed. To volunteer, you must take a free 2-hour training class. To volunteer or for more information, contact Lloyd Pierce Training dates & locations will be posted on our web site – click on “Neighborhood Watch” link.
Fire Safety Tips Ashes and candles caused recent neighborhood fires. Don’t discard fireplace ashes into flammable containers Don’t place ash containers on a deck, porch or in a garage Don’t leave fireplace fires unattended Don’t place candles near curtains or flammable items; put candles on a flat, sturdy surface, far from paper, towels, etc. Source: Fairfax County Times, Jan 2011
New Business
How do we do it? Your civic association is supported by: YOU CAN HELP Members’ annual dues (and ad hoc contributions) Web site advertising The good will of local “sponsor” businesses YOU CAN HELP Help us by referring local and area businesses who would like to reach 965 families at very reasonable rates $50 for 6 months, $90 for 1 year, to advertise on our web site Contact Larry Leeds for more info or Sami Besalel to submit web artwork or copy
Please Patronize Our Sponsors
Volunteers Needed Neighborhood Watch Neighborhood Cleanup Neighborhood Reps Foreign Language Consultants
? Questions & Answers !
Guest Speakers
Senator Dave Marsden Virginia’s 37th District District Office P. O. Box 10889 Burke, VA 22009 Phone: (571) 249-3037 Capitol Office Senate of Virginia P.O. Box 396 Richmond, VA 23218 Email*: Room Number: 307 Phone: (804) 698-7537 Fax: (804) 698-7651 Senate/193359812373?v=wall