Ranger Nursing April 2017
National Program Recognition for 2016 - 2017
Changes in University Administration Dr Bo Hannaford named Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr James Bell named Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty
Updates Integration of simulation across the nursing curriculum for both juniors and seniors. Enhanced usage of ATI in curriculum to assess for deficiencies and target remediation before NCLEX. Individualized Performance Enhancement Plans developed with every student to maximize their strengths and guide towards success. Increased usage of Ketterman Lab with clinical partner and visitors in 2016-2017.
August 26, 2017 Dedication of the Wymer Practice Lab in Alva and White Coat Ceremony with Mr. & Mrs. Wymer presenting pins
Interprofessional Education Opportunities and Collaboration Seniors working with Social Worker Students on learning projects in the Community Nursing Course Juniors working with the Big 5 Headstart Programs – “Touch the Truck” Event in April Nursing faculty working with Athletic Department on Concussion Protocol and Screening. Developing opportunities to involve students. Exploring collaboration opportunities with Oklahoma State University Med School
Summer MASH Camp Phase I and II Students from Woods, Alfalfa and Majors County Phase I: 39 students (just finishing 6th grade) attended the 2 ½ day experience focusing on health careers Phase II: 20 students (just finishing 8th grade) for 1 day experience including preparation for job sharing in the morning and afternoon job sharing across a variety of health-related opportunities Senior Students are participating in program evaluation.
Graduates Traditional Program: 34 in May 2016 Online RN-to-BSN: 6 in July 2016 8 in December 2016
Senior Class Honors 1 Senior has completed the University Honors Program while completing the BSN 1 Senior has been selected as an “Outstanding Senior” for the University
TOTAL NURSING STUDENTS Current Student Enrollment Juniors: Total- 31 Alva – 8 Enid – 17 Woodward - 2 Ponca City – 4 Seniors: Total - 37 Alva – 17 Enid – 10 Woodward – 6 Ponca City -4 Online RN-to-BSN: Total – 27 Summer 17 Grads – 15 December 17 Grads - 12 TOTAL NURSING STUDENTS 95
2017-18 Applicants Traditional Program 63 interested applicants – some with only partial admission packets submitted 35 Letters of acceptance sent to those who met qualifications
Online RN-to-BSN Program Admissions Rolling acceptance: 7 already admitted for fall 2017 with 5 more in process of applying Now enrolling students every semester
Program Outcomes Now it is time for the program outcomes.
Program Outcomes 2016 NCLEX Pass Rates (percent by calendar year) Alva - 66.67% (10/15 passed) (2015 = 73.3%; 11/15) Enid – 75% (6/8 passed) (2015 = 100%; 5/5) Woodward – 83.33% (5/6 passed) (2015 = 90%; 9/10) Ponca City – 50% (1/2 passed) (2015 = 100%; 1/1) Cumulative: 70.9% 2014 Cumulative: 83.87%
Program Outcomes 2016 Class and NCLEX: NCLEX Pass Rate Report to OBN for Alva Campus There will be a warning issued from OBN for the Alva campus.
Program Outcomes Ongoing NCLEX Improvement Actions: Switched from the Virtual ATI NCLEX Prep to the Kaplan NCLEX Review product that other program have demonstrated to be successful. Continued faculty 1:1 work with at risk students Hired a new Med/Surg instructor in August 2016 as Med/Surg content had been an obstacle to student success in the 2 previous years.
(6 months post graduation) Program Outcomes Alumni Surveys (6 months post graduation) 5 responses 100% are working full time in OK, 80% in acute care 100% state employers’ expectations of my professional practice are in agreement with the expectations voiced by NWOSU Nursing Faculty 75% view role as professional nurse differently now than did when graduating. Two intend to pursue graduate study in the coming year. One has obtained TNCC certification and is working as a house supervisor. One has been named the Hospital Employee of the Month.
Alumni Surveys (Continued) (6 months post graduation) Program Outcomes Alumni Surveys (Continued) (6 months post graduation) Comments: “I needed more content in births, neonates and pregnancy complications. I am studying them intensely now” “School was the educational base I needed to form in order to grow and advance my career and life” “I feel that clinicals at ----- set me up for failure in certain areas due to the nursing staff not being receptive to students” “Orientation, hands-on experience, the environment and adapting myself to surroundings has taught me to view my role as a professional nurse differently” “I thought nursing school was hard – and it was- except immersing myself into an unfamiliar surrounding was even harder.” “I have been acknowledged by numerous parents in my short time in the NICU.”
Program Outcomes Alumni Surveys (2014 grads) 4 Responses : 2 in Enid, 1 in Ponca City and 1 in Clovis CA All hospital based full time RNs (ER and Med/Surg) All stated employer expectations of their professional practice aligned with the faculty expectations. Three out of the four felt their educational preparation was excellent; 1 replied it was adequate. Most helpful: “Holistic approach to care” “Hands on clinical experience” Other comment: “The clinical experiences in OK (even after I was an RN)did not prepare me well for the large volume load I am experiencing in CA” Two stated they plan to pursue graduate work. Another stated they were already in an out-of-state online FNP program. !
Program Outcomes Employer Surveys: Out of 30 surveys sent; no responses received. Everyone is asked to complete the survey TODAY