Buddhism Symbols & Practices.


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Presentation transcript:

Buddhism Symbols & Practices

What is a symbol? A symbol is something that “represents” or “stands for” something else (an idea, virtue, concept, etc…) It is important to remember that the symbol IS NOT THE THING Humanity seems to need ‘things’ that will provide happiness, security, peace, love – and we believe these things can be found in the material realm (earth) Too often we confuse the symbol with the thing it represents – in so doing, we turn it into an “idol”

Symbolism in Buddhism Buddha rejected the idea that any material thing can provide the happiness we seek (including scriptures as they are also physical and incomplete) The happiness we seek (liberation) can only be determined by ourselves – conquering desire However, supports are often needed to remind ourselves about that which we seek – symbols Buddhist symbols represent an aspect of Buddhist wisdom They are not objects of worship, nor do they contain supernatural powers Early Buddhist symbols forbid any physical representation of Buddha – later these were permitted

Early Symbols Four devotees bow to various symbols representing the Buddha Bodhi tree - enlightenment Empty throne Footprints in foreground each with a dharma wheel

Buddha Images The first representations of Buddha were not personal images → tree First images of Buddha appeared 500 years after the parinirvana (enlightenment) Poses reflect regional differences

Mudras Mudra is Sanskrit for sign and each hand sign has a specific meaning. This is the abhaya mudra made with the open right hand, palm out, fingers pointing up, raised to about the height of the shoulder. This represents the accomplishment of enlightenment

Stupa Domed shaped mounds that house the relics of the Buddha / other holy figures Some temples contain smaller stupas → memorial crypts of prominent Buddhists

The Lotus Flower Very common symbol of both Buddhism and Hinduism Represents humanity – we emerge from the material world, bloom for a day and die Life is transient & fleeting

Buddhapada Buddha’s footprints According to legend Buddha’s feet made imprints in stone when he achieved nirvana Symbolize Buddha’s presence Also, the absence of the Buddha represents non-attachment and the achievement of nirvana

The Wheel of life Tibetan symbol Reminder of the Buddhist perspective of life and the 12 link chain of the origination of samsara / life The wheel is held by lord Yama – Lord of Death No living figure is outside of the wheel, except for Buddha, who is pointing at the moon – symbol of nirvana

Mandala Mandala means circle Representations of the heavenly mansions Sand mandalas are temporary Making the mandala is an act of meditation, involving chanting mantras and reciting prayers After it is complete the mandala is swept away, representing how we must let go our attachments to the material world construction and destruction of a mandala - YouTube

Bodhisattva Bodhi – Wisdom Sattva – being “Wise being” One who is sure to become a Buddha

The Sky Burial Tibetan Sky Burial - YouTube