Presenter: Yoel Kortick How to change the appearance of the email which arrived from the web OPAC Presenter: Yoel Kortick
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Sending the email Here we have searched the web OPAC and chosen a record to send via email
Sending the email Now we actually send the record via email
The email arrives Here is the email after being opened in Outlook.
The email arrives We want to change the “From” address from to
Changing the email The first step is to copy the file “send_mail.example” in $alephe_tab to “send_mail” il-aleph02-a19(4) >>aet il-aleph02-a19(4) >>cd $alephe_tab il-aleph02-a19(4) >>cp send_mail.example send_mail
Changing the email Comment out the line with the current sendmail command and add your desired address set a = `cat $3 | wc -c` echo "Content-Length: $a" >> $TMPDIR/send_mail.$$ echo "" >> $TMPDIR/send_mail.$$ cat $3 >> $TMPDIR/send_mail.$$ # /usr/lib/sendmail $1 < $TMPDIR/send_mail.$$ /usr/lib/sendmail -r $1 $1 < $TMPDIR/send_mail.$$ rm -f $TMPDIR/send_mail.$$ Comment out Add your own
Changing the email For additional information on the sendmail command see your system administrator or Unix documentation Restart the web server (UTIL W 3 1) and send the email again
Changing the email The email now arrives with the new address After Before