Communicating Effectively with the Millennial Generation Medical Student Suzanne Minor, MD Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Generations World War II: born before 1946 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 Generation X: 1965-1981 Millennial Generation: 1982-2000 Moreno-Walton L, Brunett P, Akhtar S, DeBlieux PMC. Teaching across the generation gap: a consensus from the council of emergency medicine residency directors 2009 academic assembly. 2009;16:S19-S24.
Strauss and Howe: Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation, 2000 Fairfax County, VA Median household income 2 times national average 5% households below poverty line 67% Caucasian, 13% Asian, 10% Hispanic, 8% African American Howe N, Strauss W. Millennials Rising: the next great generation. Vintage. 2000. Spector JM. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, Third Edition. Taylor & Francis US, 2008. Is this applicable to all Millennials?
Strauss and Howe Make broad generalizations which may not apply to minorities or lower socioeconomic individuals Others dispute their conclusions Twenge JM. Generational changes and their impact in the classroom: teaching Generation Me. Medical Education. 2009;43:398-405. Wilson M, Gerber LE. How generation theory can improve teaching: strategies for working with the “Millennials”. Currents in teaching and learning. 2008;1:29-44.
7 Traits, by Strauss and Howe Special Sheltered Confident Team-Oriented Achieving Pressured Conventional
1. Special Embraced by their parents Entitled Indulged Narcissistic Easily distracted, multi-taskers Identity does not come from being a doctor; rather being a doctor is a job Boateng B. Should generational characteristics be considered in instructional methods? The instructional preferences of millennials and its implications for medical education. The Internet Journal of Medical Education. 2011;2. Accessed August 21, 2011. Twenge JM. Generational changes and their impact in the classroom: teaching Generation Me. Medical Education. 2009;43:398-405.
2. Sheltered Buckled up Helmets on Padded playgrounds Reminded of deadlines by parents May expect extra help or resources Moreno-Walton L, Brunett P, Akhtar S, DeBlieux PMC. Teaching across the generation gap: a consensus from the council of emergency medicine residency directors 2009 academic assembly. 2009;16:S19-S24.
3. Confident Content Optimistic Self-assured
4. Team-Oriented Used to working in teams Task groups
5. Achieving Long range plan Millennials motivated by achievement and affiliation versus Generation X motivated by Power Borges NJ, Manuel RS, Elam CL, Jones BJ. Differences in motives between Millennial and Generation X medical students. Medical Education. 2010;44:570-576.
6. Pressured To excel Study hard Avoid personal risks College stress epidemic
7. Conventional Strong attachments to family Family Unity
Literacy Decreasing traditional academic literacy Increasing media literacy Implications – for communication, syllabus Considine D, Horton J, Moorman G. Teaching and reading the Millennial Generation through media literacy. 2009;52:471-481.
Communication? Clear rules, Expectations & Consequences Deadlines & Pace What is flexible? Summative assessment details When is team-work ok? Ethics and consequences Role model Moreno-Walton L, Brunett P, Akhtar S, DeBlieux PMC. Teaching across the generation gap: a consensus from the council of emergency medicine residency directors 2009 academic assembly. 2009;16:S19-S24. Boateng B. Should generational characteristics be considered in instructional methods? The instructional preferences of millennials and its implications for medical education. The Internet Journal of Medical Education. 2011;2. Accessed August 21, 2011.
Consistent Accountability
How? Face to face, email, phone, text… Written communication - concise, like a text message
Reading assignments Smaller!? Considine D, Horton J, Moorman G. Teaching and reading the Millennial Generation through media literacy. 2009;52:471-481.
Feedback Frequent Enthusiastic Think T-ball coach Moreno-Walton L, Brunett P, Akhtar S, DeBlieux PMC. Teaching across the generation gap: a consensus from the council of emergency medicine residency directors 2009 academic assembly. 2009;16:S19-S24. Chernoff A. The Millennials – ever optimistic about jobs. CNNMoney. Accessed August 21, 2011.
Responsibility? A 2 way street!