Local energy, storage and sharing in Sydney Nik Midlam City of Sydney
Bujari gamarruwa
About Sydney 26.15 km sq. Economic hub and tourism gateway 1.2 million people daily, 20,000 businesses, 210,000 residents 7% national economy, 22% NSW Net-zero by 2050 target 50% renewables by 2030
Energy & emissions are falling… for now 2007-2012 2007-2012
1 per cent solar 1% of roof area + 1% of annual load 6-7MW solar to date 400MW potential 1,500MW peak load
C40 – City Solutions Platform City to invest upwards of $10M The aims are: More renewable energy, sooner Link residents and businesses Count toward City targets Simply investing in a project would make small contribution Solution(s) sought which make best use of funding Work with industry and customers to procure a solution that works.
What might a solution look like? * Competitive / attractive Easy to explain Readily deployable Beyond business as usual * * Drivers Environmental values Political/community values End-user control Cost & hedging Flexibility Branding Transparency Barriers Space (btm) Cost paid/sold Contract tenure Complexity * City role? Source: Low Carbon CRC – Facilitating End User Deployment of Off-site Renewable Generation RP1032 : bit.ly/2g16I5n
So just how do we make this easy? These 7 decisions give rise to 288 possible procurement structures (and for offsite only). Source: Low Carbon CRC – Facilitating End User Deployment of Off-site Renewable Generation RP1032 : bit.ly/2g16I5n
Stucco 30kW Solar+ 43kWh battery storage and embedded networks Australian first in a multi-unit residence Overcame classic split incentive 80% local renewables, 20% lower student bills, 5% co-op returns 40+ residents (full time students) The Good Low energy use (~90 kWh/day) Great solar resource (>40 kW) The Bad Little daytime demand Apartment block Renters Trina (120kWh/day average) Enphase (40kWh usable) Unit submeters 1 main meter Technical barriers – fireproofing Regulatory barriers – embedded network & retailer exemptions Heritage barrier Cost barrier - $110k legals
Sydney Renewable Power Co Sydney Renewable Power Company 520kW International Convention Centre Public company limited by shares
WWF Renewable Buyers Forum Aggregate load Identify projects Link customers to project(s) Power and/or renewable certificates Price hedge
Climate Positive Barangaroo Climate Positive C40 initiative 22 hectare $9B redevelopment Efficiency first (carbon budgets) 100% onsite renewables for public domain 100% offsite renewable certificates funded through estate levy NSW Govt owned – 99 year lease
Pingala Cooperative model 30kW at Young Henrys brewery Shares sold out in 9 minutes Funds raised install solar Solar lease to businesses repays investors and Pingala
Alexandria Depot 500 kWh battery - Tesla Power Pack Peak discharge 250 kW 480 kW PV Potential make building carbon neutral over year. Transgrid to test battery network supply during peak periods.
City of Sydney solar (1.5MW)
Can technology save the planet?