Wireless Activities in Europe [1999] Optical wireless links for Intra-Spacecraft communications [2002] Optical wireless links demonstrator (as spacecraft bus) [2004] Nanosat01 launch with optical demonstration payload [2005] Optical Backplane for onboard communication networks [2005] Optical Wireless CAN bus for Foton-M3 Capsule (launched 2007) [2005] RF Wireless Intra-Spacecraft communications demonstrator [2005] RF Wireless Autonomous Sun Sensor (launched 2007) [2005] Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks for Exploration of Solar System Bodies [2006] RF Wireless Sensor Motes for onboard Spacecraft networks and Formation-flying communications [2006-TRP] Optical Wireless Intra-Spacecraft communications (with TRL-5 demonstrator) [2008-TRP] RF Wireless for Intra-Spacecraft: onboard/ground sensors, launchers, WIFI-to-CAN and –Spacewire [2009-TRP] RF Wireless for Planetary Exploration [2008-GSP] RF Wireless for Fractionated Satellites [2010-LETSME] RF Wireless Sensor Networks for onboard and ground applications [2010-LETSME] Generic RF Wireless Sensor acquisition system for space and ground segment applications [2010-LETSME] Ultra-low power RF Wireless Sensor networks for battery-, self- and remote-powered telemetry [2011-TEC] RF Ultra-Wideband channel sounding of the Venus Mock-up [2011-TEC] Pilot project with ESTEC Environmental Laboratory for Wireless Temperature Sensor Acquisition System [2011-ARTES5.1] Satellite Wireless Access Point on Launcher for monitoring of the payload [2011-TEC] Architecture of a robust, deterministic and reliable intra-spacecraft wireless network [2012-TRP] RF Wireless Ultra-Wideband for robust, deterministic and EMC-safe applications