Fjord Line & HSEQ We strive to be ”best in class” and therefore we constantly scan the market both for new as well as improved solutions. We test and evaluate such solutions thoroughly. Together with Radio Medical we have been testing and are evaluating an expanded digital solution between Radio Medical and the Maritime environment – the new implemented Telemedicine solution.
Fjord Line & Telemedicine Why did we do this ? Well, initially Crew of approx. 80 persons each vessel . Transport more than 1 mio. passengers every year. We have approx. 1 telephone call per week to Radio Medical Experience everything from small wounds to evacuations of both Crew and Passengers Our Officers are educated to Medical caretaker, not Doctor. We wish to offer the best service to our Customers as well as back-up for our Officers and Crew
How does it work ? We still call Radio Medical as usual by telephone The doctors still make their primary assessment We do not use the digital solution if it is not necessary If either the vessel or Radio Medical wish to have more detailed Patient data or visual aspect of the patient – we activate the digital solution within seconds and we are online including video
What do we get when we call Radio Medical using the digitale solution? We get 2 video functions 1 video for Communication between Doctor and Officer – eye contact 1 video for showing place of injury and to make still photos ECG ; 3 or 12 led, Heart rate, SPO2 Oxygen, Blood pressure, Body Temperature, Blood glucose and C02. All shared with Radio Medical online, meaning we share data and Radio Medical is able to instantly see changes with the patient All data and changes are recorded delivering a digital incident report and we have full Documentation of the incident All in all better patient treatment between Fjord Line and Radio Medical
Are there no disadvantages ? As always – Cost of Hardware. Calls to Radio Medical are still free also using Telemedicine For some – an improved satellite solution. A steady 256Kbit is demanded, can still be a problem onboard some vessels. Review of onboard Wi-Fi solution if Hardware is removed from Hospital. The disadvantages must be re-evaluated because with better diagnostic patient data, we may avoid re-route to other port or awaiting evacuation by helicopter which will be a huge cost saver Also our Officers feel that they are much closer to the Doctor and therefore deliver a better first aid themselves. They are stress relieved