Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act 40A:65-1 The Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act, a board of education, as a local unit of the state of New Jersey, has the authority to enter into a contract with any other board of education or local unit for the provision of services jointly within the jurisdictions of both boards of education, to the extent that either board of education is empowered to render the services within its own jurisdiction
SHARED ADMINISTRATORS 18A:17-24.1 The boards of education of two or more school districts may share a superintendent or a school business administrator, or both. The decision to share a business administrator shall be made jointly by the boards of education of the districts, subject to the finals approval of the Commissioner of Education. 18A:17-24.5 The position of shared business administrator shall not be a tenurable position and in no event shall the districts be required to appoint a tenured individual from within any of the districts to fill a shared position.
Subcontracting Business Services 18A:17-14.1 A board or boards of two or more districts may under rules and regulations prescribed under the State board, appoint a school business administrator… …Nothing in P.L. 1996, c.111 shall prohibit a school district from subcontracting its school business administrator to another school district pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1973, c.208, in which case credit toward tenure acquisition shall accrue only in the primary district of employment.
So What is the LAW? May 29, 2012 – From NJ Department of Education NJDOE -Chapter 40 can be used by districts to provide the business services to another district provided the business services agreement provides detail of the services performs June 1, 2012 – From NJASBO Boards have the option of using Title 18A or Title 40.
Hazlet and highlands Business Administrator – Christopher J. Mullins Asst. Bus. Admin. – Bernard F. Bragen Ed.D Started January 1, 2011, new contract 7/1/15 – 6/30/18 Support staff located at Highlands Hazlet staff utilized when needed Facilities – Supervised by Hazlet Superintendent - Shared with the Tri-District Technology – Supervised by Shared Superintendent Hazlet is on-site on an as-needed basis – no set schedule Board of Education Meetings Hazlet uses the revenues to offset salaries and provide EXTRAs for the District Highlands saves over $75,000 annually
Hazlet and highlands Attorney - Same Auditor - Different Insurance Brokers - Same SYSTEMS 3000 and Asbury Park Foodservice – Maschios Policies – Strauss Esmay School Calendars Differ
Hazlet and BAYSHORE Business Administrator – Christopher J. Mullins Started July 1, 2015 – Renewed for 2017-18 Support staff located at Bayshore and Hazlet handles the payroll services Superintendent shared with MOESC Hazlet staff utilized as needed Facilities – Supervised by MOESC - building is rented from MOESC Technology – Supervised by MOESC Hazlet is on-site on an as-needed basis – no set schedule Hazlet uses the revenues to offset salaries and provide EXTRA for the District Bayshore saves over $40,000 annually
PINELANDS AND BASS RIVER Commenced January 2009 Inter-local agreement Services included: Business Administration Purchasing Payroll Transportation Technology
PINELANDS AND BASS RIVER ADVANTAGES BARRIERS Pioneer approach vs. legislatively forced Purchasing Power Increased service levels Cost Savings Match cost with function Congruent technology District level reporting remains Administrative burden not eliminated Per Pupil Admin Cost cap State procedures for funding
PINELANDS/BASS RIVER OPPORTUNITY THREATS Demonstrates fiscal commitment to taxpayer Increased levels of service Other areas for shared service (i.e. Maint, other districts.) Innovation, efficiency, industry leader Cost reduction perception Inconsistency among county State of NJ/DOE BA Contract approvals
How Does it work? Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act (“40A”) Providing Shared Services of its School Business Administrator Eighteen (18) hours per week Physically present eight (8) hours per week Limits me in providing professional services to more than three (3) districts Two (2) Counties – Need to work with County Offices
How CAN it work? Each “Model” is Different! Proximity of Districts Staffing – No “Beach” staff are used Utilize same Budget Software (Systems 3000) Same Auditor (Jump Scutellaro) Same Insurance (NJSBAIG/State Health Benefits) Time Management Over $40,000 in savings for Sea Girt Large offset in costs for Point Pleasant Beach Each “Model” is Different!
Beverly School District another Model – not shared Part Time School Business Administrator Twelve (12) hours per week Physically present eight (8) hours per week Part Time Staff Accountant District now has two (2) certified School Business Administrators Overall this model will save the District over $50,000!
Beach Haven School District another Model – not shared Part Time School Business Administrator Twelve (12) hours per week Part Time Payroll Clerk Overall this model will save the District over $80,000 Vs. Full Time Business Administrator
The Good, the Bad and … Inconsistent decisions by County Office Potential loss of employment opportunities Staffing issues Burnout of Professionals FORCED Shared Services Is it working? …… in these cases yes, because the employees and board members are in support of the relationship
The Future of shared services The models will grow Cost savings cannot be ignored The staff utilized are key There is a limit to how many can be done –WELL Will only be as good as WE make it!!!
This event sponsored by Savage Group Consulting, LLC and the Dark Side Shared services
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