Gateway Drugs Gateway drugs, are types of drugs that lead to the use of other more powerful drugs!
Types of Tobacco Cigarettes Cigars Pipes Chewing Tobacco
The Facts on Smoking Approximately 26% of the US population age 12 and older smokes. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Tobacco kills more than 430,000 United States citizens each year, more than alcohol, Illegal drugs, murders, fires, car accidents, and AIDS combined.
The Facts on Smoking One can of dip can give you more nicotine than over 60 cigarettes. Each year 600 out of 8,000 deaths, from tobacco are from oral cancer.
Nicotine It is highly addictive chemical found in all tobacco. Nicotine is only one of more than 4000 harmful chemicals found in tobacco, at least 43 are know to cause cancer. Nicotine is absorbed through your lungs when you smoke tobacco. Nicotine is also absorbed through your mouth when you chew tobacco. When your body absorbs nicotine it enters the blood stream and flows to your brain in 7 seconds.
Nicotine Nicotine is so addictive that people continue to smoke or use tobacco regardless of the health risks. 90% of the people who smoke would like to quit, but each year fewer than 10% are successful
Long Term Effects From Smoking
Why Kids Smoke They think smoking is cool Want to be like adults Because their friends are doing it (Peer pressure) Because parents do it, make it seem alright for kids. NONE OF THESE ARE GOOD REASONS TO START SMOKING
Sean at 17
Sean at 19 Know what your dipping into! Tobacco use can change your great smile.