Ms. Pickens’ 2nd Grade January 2017 News January’s Learning Targets


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Presentation transcript:

Ms. Pickens’ 2nd Grade January 2017 News January’s Learning Targets Calendar January 13th January Book Orders Due January 20th End of 2nd Quarter January 10th – 12th Winter Dibels Testing January 17th & 19th Winter MAPS Testing Happy Birthday 6th – Tylynn 11th - Sam 15th – Kacey Mae January’s Learning Targets Phonics- Long i, igh, y as in I, Adding er and est, -le ending, vowel sound in book and gown. Grammar- Pronouns, Possessive Nouns, Commas, and Plural Nouns Vocabulary Words – Current, Decision, Doubt, Effort, Examine Math - 2-digit Subtraction Writing – 2 Paragraph narrative and informative writing about Dreams, Snow Days, and Penguins Handwriting – Everyday neatness, line use, formation, and finger spaces. Science & Social Studies – Nutrition, Martin Luther King Jr., Penguins, and Space Art- Snowflakes, Snow globes, and Arctic Animals Counselor’s Lesson – Speak Up and Be Safe What’s Happening in Second Grade The month of December was very busy in second grade. The students worked extremely hard on their Polar Express program, and did an outstanding job at their performance. It was so wonderful to see it all come together. Thank you all for attending and supporting your child’s hard work! Students were also very busy elves, making adorable crafts in our 2nd grade workshop!! Your second grader did a fantastic job on the yarn Santa gift and showed a great level of patience. I hope you all enjoyed them too! We also had a very fun time traveling around the world learning how other countries and cultures celebrate the holidays. I hope your student shared this excitement with you, as they worked very hard on their “Holidays Around the World Scrapbook” and souvenirs. I am so proud of how much information they learned and retained! I hope all families had a wonderful holiday break. I wish you all a very Happy New Year and am so excited to see what 2017 brings for our class!  January Testing Students will participate in their second session of DIBELS testing next week. This tests allows students to show us how smooth they can read in one minute. We will also take Winter MAPS testing for both math and reading mid-January. Monthly MBI Award Will and Liana are the classroom winners from December! Nice job showing how much you care about others and for being very kind. January’s theme is being a peacemaker. Comments, questions and concerns - Contact me! By Phone – School 721-2160 ext. 2080 By E-mail – Counselor Visit Mrs. Dennehy will start the two-part lesson on good/bad touch and “stranger danger”. She will finish the lesson next month. Please remember to return the form if you DO NOT want your child participating in these lessons.