January 9-January 13 Theme of the Week: Snowflake/ Snowman Art: Q-Tip Snowflake Food Group Fine Motor: AM: Icicle Cutting PM: Snowflake Shapes Art: Tape Snowflakes Handwriting without Tears Fine Motor: AM: Playdough PM: Maze and Object Difference Upcoming Events: Letter K due January 9th Art: Puffy Paint Snowman with White Glitter in it. Library Journal Entries Fine Motor: Button Up Snowman Art: My Big World Scholastic Fine Motor: Manipulatives PM only PE Social Group PM only Contact Info: Tiffany Taylor taylor.tiffany@columbia4.org 618-281-4995 Ex. 4002 Art: Snow Globe Sensory Game Day Show N Tell Fine Motor: AM: Color Pictures in Journal PM: Order by Size Snowman