Ahmet ULUDAG Project Manager on Invasive Alien Species


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Presentation transcript:

Ahmet ULUDAG Project Manager on Invasive Alien Species ESTABLISHING AN EWRR IN THE NOBANIS COUNTRIES - EEA CONTRIBUTION Ahmet ULUDAG Project Manager on Invasive Alien Species

The EEA mission The European Environment Agency is the EU body dedicated to providing sound, independent information on the environment We are a main information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public  

The EEA is... An independent information provider An analyst and assessor Building bridges between science and policy Dependent upon strong networks to carry out its work ...to support policy processes and inform the public

What is our mandate? To provide European decision makers and citizens with access to timely and relevant information and knowledge in order to provide a sound basis for environmental policies help answer their questions about the environment in their daily lives ensure that environmental thinking and education is brought into the mainstream of decision-making

What are our objectives? Play a key role in the development and implementation of European environment policies and monitor their effectiveness Undertake integrated environmental assessments and analyses Provide access - through the Shared Environmental Information System - SEIS - and the Environmental Data Centres - to updated information and data

EEA member and collaborating countries Member countries Collaborating countries

WHAT IS AT POLICY LEVEL? The Commission’s Communication ‘Towards an EU Strategy on Invasive Species’ (COM(2008) 789 final) The ‘Council conclusions on a mid-term assessment of implementing the EU Biodiversity Action Plan and Towards an EU Strategy on Invasive Alien Species’ adopted at the 2953rd Environment Council meeting, Luxembourg, 25 June 2009,

IAS COVERAGE BY EEA SOER (European Environment State and Outlook Report) Europe‘s Environment

IAS COVERAGE BY EEA Streamlining European 2010 Biodiversity Indicators (SEBI 2010) project

IAS COVERAGE BY EEA Towards an early warning and information system for invasive alien species (IAS) threatening biodiversity in Europe P. Genovesi, R. Scalera, S. Brunel, D. Roy, W. Solarz www.eea.europa.eu/publications/ information-system-invasive-alien-species/

Structure of a pan-European early warning and rapid response framework Control methods Experts registry IAS INVENTORY Records of introduction/establishment (Europe, world) Basic biological information Habitat suitability Records of impacts Black list European Invasive Species Information System Identification/diagnosis Status (alien/unknown/..) Register of authorities Taxonomic experts Detection Diagnosis Reporting and circulation of information Surveillance Monitoring Response Follow up Working groups Competent authority Quick screening Predicted new IAS Alarm lists Taxonomic databases GISD GRIS ISC Cabi Risk Assessment Source: Genovesi et al. 2010

EU National scale Option A: Do-nothing Support/advice/network Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Black lists Alarm lists Quick risk screening Risk assessment Identification of proper response Enforcement Option A: Do-nothing Source: Genovesi et al. 2010

Option B: Non-institutional European panel (DAISIE approach) European scale National Support/advice/network Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Black lists Alarm lists Quick risk screening Risk assessment Identification of proper response Enforcement Option B: Non-institutional European panel (DAISIE approach) Source: Genovesi et al. 2010

European scale Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Support/advice/network Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Black lists Alarm lists Quick risk screening Risk assessment Identification of proper response Enforcement European scale National Option C: European structure with clear political mandate (NISC approach) Source: Genovesi et al. 2010

European scale Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Support/advice/network European scale National Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Black lists Alarm lists Quick risk screening Risk assessment Identification of proper response Enforcement Option D: European institution based on new/revised legislation (EPPO/EFSA approach) Source: Genovesi et al. 2010

European scale Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Support/advice/network Detection Diagnostic Data processing Inventory Black lists Alarm lists Quick risk screening Risk assessment Identification of proper response Enforcement European scale National Option E: European institution with extensive mandate (NEW ZEALAND Biosecurity approach) Source: Genovesi et al. 2010

EUROPEAN ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO IAS European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)


CONCLUSION EEA keeps handling and organizing data and information and doing assessments The precise role of the EEA in the system to be established still requires more investigation EEA can be an umbrella organization with a pivotal role It cannot be achieved without necessary resources

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