Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis & Meiosis Foldable Today we will create a foldable on Mitosis & Meiosis. First fold 2 pieces of paper in half. Use the title on the front page: Mitosis & Meiosis Foldable
Foldable Mitosis (pg.1) Meiosis (pg. 2) Open the foldable to the 1st page and write the following titles on pages 1 & 2: Mitosis (pg.1) Meiosis (pg. 2)
Pages 1 & 2 You will draw and label each circle with the number of chromosomes shown in the circles below.
Pages 3 & 4 Mitosis (pg.3) Definition: Meiosis (pg. 4) Definition: Open foldable to the next 2 pages (3 & 4) and write the definition for Mitosis and Meiosis on the correct sides. (Leave space for definitions & comparisons!) Mitosis (pg.3) Definition: Meiosis (pg. 4) Definition:
Mitosis The process by which a nucleus divides into 2 identical “daughter” cells, each containing the same number & type of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Meiosis The division of a parent cell twice to create four different daughter cells. They have half the number of chromosomes as the parent.
Mitosis Meiosis One division Same number of Chromosomes Identical to Parent genetically 2 daughter cell produced Body Cells Two divisions Half number of chromosomes Different from parent genetically 4 daughter cells produced Sex cells (Gametes)
Pages 5 & 6 Phases of Mitosis (pg.5) Phases of Meiosis (pg. 6) Draw the phases: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Draw the phases: Meiosis I: Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Meiosis II: Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II
Binary Fission (watch video after you finish, link is on the last slide) On back of foldable include this information: The simple cell division in which one cell splits into two Allows for rapid reproduction Used by bacteria
Video clip