Care Plus Group Technology Optimising Business Neil Cartwright
CPG Community Nursing Team It was our 5th Birthday on July 1st 130 Community Nursing Staff North East Lincolnshire Population 159,800 (approx.) Patients 16 years and upwards (predominately older people) 100% of the care administered in the home EPR System - SystmOne
Process (as was) Process flow for the existing day of a typical community nurse working for CPG
Process (is now) Process flow for the proposed day of a typical community nurse working for CPG
Why? Contemporaneous notes – patient safety Record keeping Remove duplication – nurse diary More time to provide improved patient care Future proofing Making technological investment count Consistent approach to rota management (supporting centralised admin)
The technology Software – SystmOne Offline Solution Put clinicians at the centre of the decision making process (people at the centre of their care principle) Device selection (3 different suppliers and multiple devices). Portability, size, weight, battery life. Flight bags (without logo) Monitors for office use Lenovo laptops (VPN access) and Helix devices (detachable touchscreen – no barrier) Culture change Champions of innovation
Implementation “Customer service department” that does IT IT Team close to the clinician IT listening and removing the barriers not creating them Systematic team by team handholding Didn’t leave the side of the clinician until they were confident Attended home visits with the nurses Training on the both device and on SystmOne mobile Ongoing continual support
Customer orientation is everything Feedback Customer orientation is everything "The most important factor that makes your IT team so good is that they do not talk to us like we're idiots! In the past, phoning IT has been an ordeal because I (and I know others agree) feel I would be spoken down to, rushed through he query and generally end up feeling stupid for having to bother IT with something so simple. Your team are always polite, patient, noncondescending. They also don't mind waiting on the line until I check that everything is now working OK.”
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