(Syndrome X, Insulin Resistance syndrome) Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X, Insulin Resistance syndrome) www.ppttopics.com
25% of pop, nonobese, nondiabetic => Hyperglycemia (not nessisary DM) => Triacylglycerides + low HDL => BP => Syndrome X www.ppttopics.com
Epidemiology USA: 44% in pop >50y (60%w, 45%m) France: 30-64 y <10%, >65y 17,5% Increasing risk with age www.ppttopics.com
Diagnostic criteria NCEP:ATPIII criteria 3 or more: Waist circumference >102cm (M),>88cm (W) Hypertriglyceridemia: >or= 150mg/dl HDL <40mg/dl (M), <50 (W) Hypertension: >130/85 Fasting plasma glucose >100mg/dl (or diagnosed DM 2) www.ppttopics.com
Pathophysiology Insulin resistance Hyperlipidemia www.ppttopics.com
Symptoms www.ppttopics.com
Symptoms only associated with other diseases. www.ppttopics.com
Features + LDL Hyperuricidemia Abd obesity Prothrombotic state Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) Proinflammatory state www.ppttopics.com
Associated diseases Cardiovascular inc stroke and MI Type 2 diabetes Non alcoholic fatty liver disease Polysystic ovary syndrome Obstructive sleep apnea www.ppttopics.com
Treatment LIFESTYLE DIET PHYSICAL ACTIVITY www.ppttopics.com
Medication Appetitesuppresants: Phentermine Absorption inhibitors:Orlistat Statins: LDL+ triacylglycerides+ HDL Fibrates/Nicotinic acid: Triacyl glycerides Antihypertensives Metformin: Glucose Thiazolidinediones: Glucose www.ppttopics.com