Writing An Argument.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing An Argument

7 Habits of an ADVANCED reader They stay alert, even if the text is BORING! They think about the title. They preview text features. They think about the words they don’t know. They stay alert even if the text is BORING! They stop and review what they’ve read, especially if they don’t understand what is going on. They think about the author’s intent..

STANDARDS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Grammar Review 5 things all sentences must do . . .????? Start with a capital letter. End with punctuation. Have a subject. Have a verb. Make sense.

CEEC Strategy C- LAIM (stance) + REASON E- evidence- give your quote from the text E- Explain the quote in your own words and tell how the line proves your original point C-Conclude and give an overall statement that summarizes your point and connects it to something else in literature, life etc.

Argument Prompt-Televisions Let’s say that the president suddenly wanted to ban televisions from every home in America, and your prompt required you to write a letter to the president stating whether you are for or against this move and why. Before sending the letter, you were given several articles that talked about the benefits or disadvantages for having televisions in the home.

Steps: 1: Choose which side you are going to take FOR 2:Choose a reason for why you are taking that stance Tv shows display too much violence that children watch and imitate. 3. Find a quote that backs up your reason. (Highlight it) 4. Write your argument paragraph using the CEEC method.

EXAMPLE: Sample prompt: Should the president ban televisions? The president should absolutely ban televisions because they show too much violence that children then imitate. The article says that “before the age of 1, a child has already witnessed over two hundred acts of violence on television” (1). This statistic shows how important it is to get rid of television. Children are exposed to way too much violence by watching television. If the president took away television, children would be much better off, and they would be less likely to imitate violence because they haven’t seen it on television.


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