Gosforth East Middle Key Stage 2 SATs 2017
Background Children will complete a range of tests in English and Mathematics.
Mathematics Test The following papers are included: Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper 2: Reasoning Paper 3: Reasoning Children are practising regularly to ensure they are familiar with the test papers and format of questions.
Paper 1: arithmetic 36 questions in 30 minutes 40 marks available In this test, all questions are worth 1 mark each except… Long division and long multiplication questions, which are worth 2 marks each. Pupils will be awarded 2 marks for a correct answer but they may get 1 mark for showing a formal method.
Arithmetic Paper 1 mark 1,034 + 586 = 234,897 - 45,996 = 2.5 + 0.05 = 123 × 2 = 48 ÷ 6 = 7,505 ÷ 5 = 20% of 1,500 = 1.28 × 100 = Basic calculation (decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with whole numbers and decimals. Place value calculations multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. This paper will also include questions on percentages and fractions. 1 mark
Arithmetic paper 2 marks Methods – formal Calculation policy is on website if you want further information 2 marks
Paper 2 & 3: Reasoning 20 questions in 40 minutes 35 marks available Some questions have a method box For these questions children may get a mark for showing their method. Reasoning - word problems require deeper level of knowledge – here are some examples.
Reasoning paper 2 marks What do you need to know? Tables fact 4 x 7 Subtraction. Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 122 Up to 2m If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an appropriate method, e.g. • 4 × 7 = 28 150 − 28 2 marks
Reasoning paper 1 mark Knowledge – how many minutes in an hour, be able to count in multiples of 6, then adjust to 60, subtraction Answer 7 hours and 24 minutes 1 mark
Reasoning paper 1 mark Basic formula Cost = cakes x 20 +15 Calculation
Reasoning paper 2 marks Knowledge how many gram in kilogram 32.94 x 500 TWO marks for the correct answer of £16470 If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an appropriate method, e.g. £32.94 × 1000 = £32940 £32940 ÷ 2 OR £32.94 × 500 = £3294 × 5 2 marks
Reasoning paper Award TWO marks for three numbers correctly placed. Notice the vocabulary product. Here work backwards from 22.5 divide by 5 to find 4.5 4.5 divide by 2 to find 2.25 Finally 5 divide by 2 to find 2.5 22.5 4.5 5 2.25 2 2.5 If the answer is incorrect award ONE mark for two numbers correctly placed. 2 marks
Reasoning paper 2 marks Knowledge Table facts Multiplication method Award TWO marks for both digits correct, as shown: 4 1 × 2 6 2 4 6 8 2 0 1 0 6 6 If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for one digit correct 2 marks
Little and often – don’t be tempted to overload. TOP TIPS Times tables and related division facts Practical maths Finding change whilst shopping. How much would two of something cost? Distances - how far have we travelled? Telling the time 12 hour and 24 hour. How long does a TV show last? In the kitchen reading the scales/divisions on measuring jugs. Use the links on our website, play number games and use Apps on iPads etc. Little and often – don’t be tempted to overload.
English Test The following papers are included: Reading Grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary Paper 2: Spelling (20 words) Children are practising regularly to ensure they are familiar with the test papers and format of questions.
Writing Writing is assessed by the English teachers. Individual pieces of work are not assessed, instead teachers will look at the most recent pieces of writing to make a judgement. Pupils complete at least three pieces of writing in their assessment book each half term.
Not yet working at the expected standard
Not yet working at the expected standard
Reading Reading booklet and separate answer booklet (texts and questions in order of difficulty) 50 marks 1800-2300 words 60 minutes (including reading time)
Reading Fiction, non-fiction and poetry 50 marks 36 questions on sample 1800-2300 words 60 minutes (including reading time)
Reading Question types Multiple choice Ordering Matching Labelling Find and copy Open-ended response questions, which require pupils to explain fully. Unfamiliar question types Predict what might happen from detailed stated and implied. Explaining and understanding the vocabulary in context. Making comparisons within texts.
Reading 1 mark
Reading 1 mark
Reading 1 mark
Reading 3 marks
Reading 2 marks
TOP Tips Practise skimming and scanning techniques under timed conditions. Use the text to answer the questions. Explain answers using evidence from the text.
Grammar, punctuation & Spelling (GPS) Paper 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary Paper 2: Spelling (20 words) Paper 1: 50 marks 45 minutes Paper 2: 20 marks 15 minutes (approximately)
Grammar, punctuation & Spelling (GPS) 1 mark
Grammar, punctuation & Spelling (GPS) 1 mark
Grammar, punctuation & Spelling (GPS) 1 mark
Grammar, punctuation & Spelling (GPS) 1 mark
Grammar, punctuation & Spelling (GPS) 1 mark
TOP Tips Words can mean different things depending on the context, e.g. ‘orange’ can be a noun ‘Katy ate an orange.’ or an adjective ‘…the orange roses’. Accuracy is very important: capital letters must be really clear and should not be used in the middle of words. Incorrect use of capital letters will be marked as incorrect. Use the correct terminology.
How to revise Concentrate on areas of weakness, not what your child can do easily. Short, frequent bursts of 15 to 20 minutes are more effective than prolonged periods of study. Use revision guides and/or internet sites. There are several useful links on the school website.
Thank you for your time this evening.