Grant County Level 1 Training Class August 2 – November 10, 2016
Tour of Plant Diagnostic Labs, UW-Madison Toured the Plant Disease Diagnostic Labs Dr. Brian Hulderson’s message was “Know What You Know, Know What You Don’t Know, and Know How To Find Out”
PJ Explaining How to Diagnosis Insect Samples
My wish on August 2 was to have a successful Level 1 Training Class. This tree was at the Allen Gardens that some of us toured before heading home.
Herb display at the Allen Centennial Gardens, Madison – quite a pollinator attraction.
Rain Barrel Collection and Compost Bin Clyde is showing his leaf mulch.
Let the Chickens Scratch Clyde’s main message was not to be hesitant to try new things. Collects seeds from plants that he wants to use for following year. Have fun with the challenges of gardening.
Good Picking for a Blackberry Snack Watch for size photo!
Weeds and IPM Session Wendy emphasized knowing the type of weeds before deciding on type of removal, and read labels for active ingredient when using chemical removal method. Tim Wood, additional presenter on IPM, emphasized caution with sprays, and herbicides can be your best friend if used wisely.
Growing Fruit is Popular Challenge MG volunteer, Gary Olson, covered on how he manages moth pests in his orchard by using organic methods.
Char, covered small fruit crops in her presentation and fielded questions on best gardening practices. Char buries milk jugs near her plants for watering and fertilizing. Every three weeks they get a treat of a sea weed drink that she adds to the jugs. Here again we heard about watering the plants from the bottom.
Marsha shared samples of Aronia fruit and explained how this native fruit can be used in many different ways.
Now we know all about saving those coffee grounds from Connie Now we know all about saving those coffee grounds from Connie. Many benefits and it is free!
Can you find the non-toxic item? Jean told us about the toxic plants and food that is harmful to household pets. Very useful information if your dog or cat comes in contact with the items on her tray as examples and lists she provided. Can you find the non-toxic item?
Nancy’s presentation was done with showing the different stages of her blueberry project. From her experiences, I believe she could write a book on the do’s and do not’s on growing blueberries in Wisconsin.
Had to get up close to see and believe what Chris had to show us! Benefits of Hugelkultur Gardening Had to get up close to see and believe what Chris had to show us! She has created a 10 ft. long bed and anxious to get it planted! (So are we to see how it turns out!)
Kerry told about a project with incorporating gardening at the Correctional Center at Prairie du Chien. Incorporating the benefits of gardening with the young adult male inmates is a project she is passionate about.
Joann and Mary gave us new hope for success in planting seeds indoors and having a great crop of rhubarb.
The Final Night! Awesome Group of future Master Gardeners! Rising Stars! The Final Night! Awesome Group of future Master Gardeners! Marsha, Chris, Jean, Connie, Mary, and Joann, and Terry, class facilator. Missing from photo is Nancy and Kerry