Stone age By Martha
Meet Plug Hello 3W, me and my friends are going to tell you some facts about the stone age. Enjoy reading! Hi Plug
meet plug’s friends Hi Nug, Hi Jug, and Lug plug’s pet. Jug Nug Lug
Stone age tools 200,000 years ago , they had to make tools out of stone. This is the stone that I found . This is a flint stone. I use this for my spear.
Hunting Hunting was one thing that cavemen had to do nearly everyday.
Jug’s house I live in a cave with my pet Mug In the stone age people lived in caves.
Quiz of stone age What stone did they used for spears? A. Flint B. Sand stone C. marble
2.What was Jugs pet called ? Gog Cot Mug
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