Municipal Office of Ustí nad Labem Time management Practice Martin Vykouk Municipal Office of Ustí nad Labem
Correct Estimation of the Need for Time List of tasks Set the time you need to solve each task Control, whether your estimation was correct Precise your estimation
Refusing Unrealistic Deadline Do it immediately Keep positive approach towards the solution of the task Prepare arguments for refusing the task
Cannot change unrealistic deadline? Find the time needed somewhere else Reestimate present tasks and set up new priorities Make sure that you have everything necessary to meet the deadline prepared
Realise what time is do you prefer Are you a morning man, or an evening man? Which period of the day does you suit the best for more demanding tasks? Plan more demanding tasks for the appropriate part of the day
Change your habits You have habits that limit you in your work Try to change them If you are successful in your effort – reward yourself !
How to ease the paperwork Each document arrived treat immediately in one of the following ways: Process it Destroy it Redirect it File it Designate it as useful for the future
Run out of time?– Ask colleagues for help Consider what you can ask your colleagues for But do not forget!!! Your colleagues can ask you for a similar thing
Learn how to say no You can not fulfill every requirement Set your borders – how far are you willing to go Be positive – indicate possible solutions
Golden rule at the end Organisation of your time shall not take you so much time that you would not be able to do the other tasks.
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