2016 Maintenance Innovation Challenge Coast Guard 87’ Patrol Boat Programmed Depot Maintenance - “Bow-to-Stern” PROBLEM STATEMENT Fiscal pressures to decrease funding is increasing the risk of completing all required planned maintenance on 48 cutters. A need for more Patrol Boat hours (i.e. operational availability) to complete Coast Guard missions Commercial drydock consuming crew Days Away from Homeport (DAFHP) negatively impacting PERSTEMPO Messing & Berthing contracts for crews during 60+ day dry- docks becoming costly with little value added Increased workload on contracting staff making it challenging to execute dozens of drydock contracts each year BENEFITS Increased reliability and material condition. Actual budget savings of $2.2M per year for the tax payer due to the elimination of two crews (22 military personnel). Cost avoidance of $480K in Messing & Berthing contracts; reprogrammed to buy-down other fleet maintenance. Reduced annual DAHFP from approx 1,200/yr in support of drydock maintenance to approx 360 DAFHP. Improved configuration control and standardization. Optimized YARD into a production line to leverage learning curve (i.e. same workers doing repetitive work on each cutter) TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION Utilizes the Coast Guard YARD in a “production line”, where crews drop off their cutter and cross-deck to a cutter fresh off the production line. 60-day drydock cycle, one delivered every month Environmentally-controlled paint enclosures allow for 24/7/365 painting of underwater body and topside spaces. Configuration assessments are conducted by the same team and implementation of engineering changes and technology refreshes are consolidated at one facility Applied Japanese Kaizen philosophy to conduct bottom-up review of specifications and optimized for this program Ability to capitalize on a repeatable, production-labor learning curve GRAPHIC