Lolly, Lolly Lolly get your adverbs here! HOW WHERE WHEN Click on the picture to hear the adverb song “Lolly, Lolly, Lolly”
What is an adverb? An adverb is a word modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb tells HOW WHERE WHEN (or to what extent)
How do you find ADVERBS? A The first pitch curved inside. First find the VERB in the sentence. Ask yourself, WHERE did it curve? It curved inside.
How do you find ADVERBS? A Dan ran immediately to first base. First find the VERB in the sentence. Ask yourself, WHEN did he run? He ran immediately.
How do you find ADVERBS? A Bobby hit the next pitch hard. What’s the VERB in this sentence? Ask yourself, HOW did he hit it? He hit it hard.
Let’s find ADVERBS! A Find the adverb and the word it modifies. Ryan Miller plays hockey well. Find the VERB Ask yourself, HOW does he play? He plays WELL!
Let’s find ADVERBS! A Find the adverb and the word it modifies. They won the hockey game yesterday. Find the VERB Ask yourself, WHEN did they win? They won YESTERDAY!
Let’s Try More! A The two girls play dolls often. What’s the verb? Remember the steps … - Find the verb - Next, decide which words tells how, when or where! A The two girls play dolls often. What’s the verb? Ask yourselves WHEN do the girls play?
Let’s Try More! A They play quietly in the yard. What’s the verb? Remember the steps … - Find the verb - Next, decide which words tells how, when or where! A They play quietly in the yard. What’s the verb? Ask yourself HOW do the girls play?
Now try this! A A They ran outside to the bus. Find the verb and adverb in the sentences below: A They ran outside to the bus. A The school bell rang loudly.
Think you’ve got it? Test yourself! Find the adverb! Does it tell when, where or how? The fans were cheering loudly. HOW Then the crowd went silent. WHEN The referee came out onto the ice. WHERE
Find the adverb! The dog ran quickly. HOW We will go to the store later. WHEN She finally handed in her homework. WHEN He types fast. HOW The students arrived early. WHEN