And now it’s time for Genesis 50:20 B. Cartoon Reader's Theater Text & Context This cartoon Bible story gives guests a context for today’s verse. PRINT the Reader's Theater scripts provided on the following six Notes Pages. CHOOSE readers for each part. PRACTICE, practice, practice! PRESENT with power, poise and pizzazz! ASSIGNED LEADERS: (Click to continue)
Joseph's Coat SLIDE 1 Click to Continue Reader's Theater Script – BM07 Genesis 50:20 Narrator: After a wrestling match with the Angel of the Lord, God blessed Jacob with a new name, Israel, and twelve sons. All: Twelve sons! Jacob: Israel means “He strives with God!” Narrator. Now Israel loved Joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age. All: Big mistake. Narrator: And he had made him a coat of many colors. And all his brothers, they hated him. Jacob: Like it? Joseph: Love it! All: Hate it! Books of Moses 07 Click to Continue
Reader’s Theater - Slide 2 (Click to advance) Narrator: They stripped him of his coat and threw him into a pit. Joseph: Aaaaaaaaah! All: Thud! That’ll learn him! Narrator: And sold him for twenty pieces of silver. All: 17, 18, 19. 20. It’s a deal! Joseph: Uh… brothers! Dad isn’t gonna like this. Books of Moses 07 Click to Continue
Reader’s Theater - Slide 3 (Click to advance) Narrator: They took Joseph’s robe and dipped the robe in blood. All: Yuck! Narrator: Then Jacob tore his garments. Jacob: Aaaaah! (Sobbing) Narrator: And all his sons and all his daughters sought to comfort him. All: Cheer up dad! Jacob: No, I shall go down to Sheol to my son mourning. Aaaaah! (Sobbing) Books of Moses 07 Click to Continue
Reader’s Theater - Slide 4 (Click to advance) Narrator: In Egypt Joseph went through many trials and adventures. He once ran away from his master’s wife when she tried to seduce him. Mr. Potipher: (Sexy) Hey there tall, dark and Hebrew! Care for a little roll in the hay? Joseph: No way! Narrator: He found himself in the royal prison, where he interpreted dreams for some of the prisoners. Joseph: Your dream means you’ll soon be set free! Books of Moses 07 Click to Continue
Reader’s Theater - Slide 5 (Click to advance) Narrator: One of the prisoners was Pharaoh’s cup holder. When the man was released, he told the mighty ruler about Joseph. Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret his dreams, too. Joseph did just that, and the next thing he knew, he was given the task of preparing all of Egypt for a famine that was coming. Pharaoh: Egypt could use a good man like you. Do you want a job? What do you say? Joseph: Put me in charge, majesty, and you won’t be sorry. Books of Moses 07 Click to Continue
Reader’s Theater - Slide 6 (Click to advance) Narrator: Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt looking for food. He helped them, and finally told them who he was. All: Forgive us! Narrator: He forgave them, then brought all of Israel’s family to live with him in Egypt. Joseph: Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good! (Applause) Permission to use this Reader's Theater is granted only to Faith Inkubators members with a valid membership. Books of Moses 07 Click to Continue