Inguinal, umbilical, femoral hernia, hernia of linea alba, postoperative hernia
Researching history of inguinal hernia First information about hernia was founded in papyruses of ancient Egypt, dated at 1500 years b.c. First anatomic researches of inguinal area was performed by Halenus (II century a.d.) Celsus was the first, used word “hernios” for meaning of hernia (25 b.c. ). Exactly Celsus was the first, who treated hernias surgically.
Klaudius Halenus
the first exactly describing of inguinal hernia was done by Guy de Chauliac in 1363. Historic break in gerniology is connected with the name of Italian surgeon Bassini, founded union conception in surgical treatment of inguinal hernia. He performed his first operation in 1884. He separated out 3 more important stages in his report in 1887.
Francesco Graziani Constance Nantieur-Didieur Aquille de Bassini.
In 1959 F.Usher for the first time used a synthetic material – polypropylene – to support back wall of inguinal ring. In 1982 R.Ger for the first time was performed laparoscopic hernioplastic.
Plastic of inguinal canal with using synthetic prothesis (Lichtenstein operation)
Researching history of femoral hernia First information about hernia was founded in papyruses of ancient Egypt, dated at 1500 years b.c. Celsus was the first, used word “hernios” for meaning of hernia (25 b.c. ). Exactly Celsus was the first, who treated hernias surgically.
Ancient method of reducing of hernia
Preventing of hernia in ancient time
Researching history of umbilical hernia First information about hernia was founded in papyruses of ancient Egypt, dated at 1500 years b.c. Celsus was the first, used word “hernios” for meaning of hernia (25 b.c. ). Exactly Celsus was the first, who treated hernias surgically.
Avl Cornelius Celsus
In 1891 L.Tait offered laparotomic approach for the treatment of umbilical hernia.
Researching history of hernia of white line of abdomen First information about hernia was founded in papyruses of ancient Egypt, dated at 1500 years b.c. Celsus was the first, used word “hernios” for meaning of hernia (25 b.c. ). Exactly Celsus was the first, who treated hernias surgically.
Topography of the inguinal triangle Aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle Spermatic cord Internal oblique muscle Transverse muscle
Inside view of the bottom of the anterior abdominal wall 1 — m. rectus abdominis; 2 — lig. interfoveolare; 3 — anulus inguinalis profundus; 4 — lig. inguinale; 5 — a. et v. epigastrica inferior; 8 — a. et v. iliaca externa; 10 — n. obturatorius; 13 — ductus deferens; 14 — vesica urinaria;
Oblique inguinal hernia
Direct inguinal hernia
Presentation of obliqual inguinal hernias by Krimov A.P. In the canal beginning Hernia of funicullus spermaticus Inguinal - scrotal
Presentation of direct inguinal hernias by Kukudzhanov N.I. innitial interstitional Inguinal - scrotal
Congenital and acquired inguinal hernia Hernial sac ovary
Distinctive features of congenital and acquired inguinal hernias Congenital inguinal hernia Is more common in young More common in older Often one-sided Often both sided Descends into the scrotum Rarely falls into the scrotum Pear-shaped Round shape Cough symptom is determined from the outside of the internal inguinal ring Symptom cough shock is determined by the opposite internal inguinal ring Hernial sac is located outside of the spermatic cord Hernial sac is located inside of the spermatic cord
Incision for inguinal hernias
Plastic of the front wall of the inguinal canal (Girard way)
Plastic of the front wall of the inguinal canal (Spasukukockiy method)
Plastic of the front wall of the inguinal canal (Girard-Spasukukocky method with seams Kimborovsky)
Plastic of the rear wall of the inguinal canal Bassini method
A method for performing operations in congenital inguinal hernias
Topography of the femoral triangle
Type of femoral hernia
Operational methods for femoral hernias Operations through the inguinal access Method of Rudzhi Method of Rudzhi-Parlavechio Method of Reich Method of Praksin Operations through the femoral access Method of Lockwood Method of Lockwood-Bassini Method of Lockwood-Krymov Method of Abrazhanov
Incisions for the femoral hernias
Rudgy’s method
Reith’s method
Praksin’s method
Method of Lockwood
Method of Lockwood-Bassini
Method of Abrajanov
Surgical anatomy of umbilical hernias 1 — skin; 2 — subcutaneous fat; 3 — the contents of the hernia; 4 — m. rectus abdominis; 5 — fascia transversalis; 6 — peritoneum; 7 — hernial sac
Incisions for the umbilical hernias 1- Sapezhko’s method 2- Mayo’s method 3- Lexer ‘s method
Plastic by Lexer
Plastic by Sapezhko
Plastic by Mayo
Development of the hernia of the white line of abdomen 1 – preperitoneal lipoma 2 – beginning the swelling of the peritoneum 3 – formed hernial sac
Plastic of the abdominal wall by Voznesensky
Plastic of the abdominal wall by Shampioner
Duties of the general practitioner in hernias - Provision of primary health and social care; - Health education (promoting healthy lifestyles); - Preventive work (timely detection of early and latent forms of the disease, risk groups); - Dynamic monitoring; - Emergency assistance in case of emergency and acute conditions; - Timely consultation and hospitalization in the prescribed manner; - Medical and rehabilitation work in accordance with the qualifying characteristic; - An examination of temporary disability; - The organization of medical and social care and household together with the bodies of social protection and services of mercy alone, the elderly, the disabled, the chronically ill; - Maintaining the approved forms of records and reports.