Advantages of laparoscopic surgery The advantages of surgical laparoscopy compared with conventional open surgical exploratory laparotomy are very important in veterinary medicine , through improved early recovery due to smaller surgical sites, lower post-operative morbidity, lower infection rate, less postoperative pain and the early return to activity. The benefits of laparoscopic surgery are as follows:- 1-Reduced postoperative pain and analgesic requirements. 2-Reduced operative trauma. 3-Reduced bleeding. 4-Faster recovery, discharge return to work. 5-Reduced wound infection, seroma and hematoma. 6-Reduced chronic wound pain. 7-Reduced incisional hernia rate. 8-Fewer adhesions and less likely to develop obstruction. 9-Better visualization for the surgeon. 10-Improved cosmetic.
Disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery 1-High risk of injury to the viscera e.g. common bile duct, bowel, bladder, vascular injury by Veress needle and trocars. 2-Increased operating time. 3-Loss of tactile sensation. 4-Long learning curve. 5-Some surgeons are not able to develop skills. Another risk of laparoscopic surgery a blood clot may enter the blood stream and clog an artery in the lung causing heart attack or stroke. But these risks are very rare.