“ICT for accelerated development” WITFOR Theme “ICT for accelerated development”
Enhancing ICT Competence of Teachers in the SADC Region through Innovative Learning & Knowledge Communities Innovative Teacher Network Project ‘Capacity building project and network of secondary school teachers and teacher educators in utilising ICT in technology enhanced teaching and learning’ Dr. Paul T. Nleya University of Botswana Educational Technology Department P. O. Box 70109 Block 238/227 Tel: 267 3552213 W
INTEGRATION OF ICT INTO SCHOOL SYSTEM BACKGROUND INTEGRATION OF ICT INTO SCHOOL SYSTEM Primary level – lacking Computers/Electricity Secondary - Computer Awareness Program Launched in1997 Massive In-service Training in ICT by MoE Computing offered as subject at Senior Secondary Molepolole College offers Computer Education UB offers Computer Awareness Core Course for all & eLearning Initiative started 2001 POLICY: RNPE & Vision 2016 – ‘An Informed Nation’ Botswana MAITLAMO Project- TEE Project - More comprehensive than eLearning {START SMALL AND GROW FAST}
WITFOR Education Commission Mandate and Objectives PROJECT: Enhance ICT competence of teachers in SADC region Using Change Laboratory Approach (CL). Use ICT in pedagogically meaningful ways in schools/ institutions Set up school-based ICT development groups in Botswana & Mauritius, & later in SADC countries (e. g. South Africa and Namibia) RESEARCH: Anchor school-based innovative teacher’s groups in activity theory of work - ‘change laboratories’ (University of Helsinki leading research centre in Activity Theory) Support CL activities by resource centre and network based in and maintained by the Virtual Centre for Innovative Learning Technologies (VCILT) University of Mauritius (CASE STUDY) Negotiate CPD framework (Masters programme in ICT enhanced Pedagogy through one or several member universities of the consortium).
8th IFIP World Conference on Computer Education (WCCE 2005) Stellenbosch Declaration: July 2005 Major areas Identified: Digital Solidarity Learners & life long learning Decision-making strategies Networking Research Teachers
(Declaration continued) ICT changes Teaching and Learning – Networked world Technology matters but good teaching matters more The Teaching Profession therefore needs to evolve strongly & quickly Teachers are key agents in educational systems & are instruments in the evolution of Education ‘The teaching profession therefore needs to evolve strongly and quickly’
Declaration recommendations International networks of teachers should be developed & activated including in developing countries Empowerment of innovative teachers and promote communities of practice for innovation, in order to facilitate the dissemination of innovations PROJECT WORKSHOPS (1st May) 2nd September – Project Launch
PROJECT PARTNERS Virtual Centre for Innovative Learning Technologies in University of Mauritius Department of Educational Technology in University of Botswana Ministry of Education in Botswana Ministry of Science, Technology and Communication in Botswana collaborating SADC countries
From eLearning to Technology-Enhanced Education (TEE) eLearning carries connotation of a ‘one-size fits all’ techno-centric approach Technology-Enhanced Education (TEE) more comprehensive & has a socio-centric / socio-technical dimension & is more people-centred TEE focuses on education rather that technology TEE Projects assist governments develop optimal ICT-enabled initiatives that benefit entire nation Computer-Mediated Communication & Pedagogies (CMCP) project implemented in Mauritius MAITLAMO Policy to develop and promulgate Technology-Enhanced Education (TEE) country-wide in Botswana TEE’s benefits go beyond eLearning & present a major paradigm shift in the way ICTs are used to develop education in developing countries Thank you
Co-Chairs: WITFOR Education Commission Paul T. Nleya P. hD. The University of Botswana Department of Educational Technology P/Bag 0022 Gaborone E-mail: nleyapt@mopipi.ub.bw Phone: + 267 3552213 (W) Fax: + 267 3974543 (H) Cell: + 267 71816234 Matti Sinko Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli Helsinki University of Technology E-mail: matti.sinko@hut.fi Phone: +358 9 451 4706 Cell phone: +358 50 500 4905 Fax: +358 9 451 4060
(Co-Chairs Continued) Prof. Alain Senteni, Director VCILT University of Mauritius - Reduit - Mauritius Virtual Centre for Innovative Learning Technologies [ http://vcampus.uom.ac.mu/ ] senteni@uom.ac.mu Tél. 454 1274 Secr. 454 1041 ext.1582 Fax (230) 467 6744