助理教授:吳俊興 助教:王瑞元、許力中 國立高雄大學 資訊工程學系


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Presentation transcript:

助理教授:吳俊興 助教:王瑞元、許力中 國立高雄大學 資訊工程學系 教育部行動寬頻尖端技術人才培育計畫-小細胞基站聯盟中心 示範課程:行動寬頻網路之異質性存取 Week #16 LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration Using IPsec Tunnel (LWIP) Encapsulation 助理教授:吳俊興 助教:王瑞元、許力中 國立高雄大學 資訊工程學系

LWIP - LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration with IPsec Tunnel (LWIP) MME / S - GW 1 WLAN eNB UE I P LWIP-SeGW UE uses WLAN via IPSec tunnel between eNB and UE Fast time to market, use of legacy WLAN infrastructure WLAN is hidden from CN Except for WLAN authentication

Motivation LWIP was introduced in Release-13 to address the operator needs To leverage the capacity available from the large incumbent WLAN network base where modifications to WLAN As required by LWA would not be feasible because of hardware, architectural or operational constraints The use of WLAN resources in downlink and uplink is controlled by the eNB, and bypasses the LTE user plane protocol stack LWIP allows use of combined LTE and WLAN capacity for a user by allowing either inter-bearer distribution or intra-bearer per IP flow distribution across the LTE and WLAN radio links

Overview LWIP is controlled by eNB, based on UE measurement reporting LWIP feature allows a UE in RRC_CONNECTED to be configured by the eNB to utilize WLAN radio resources via IPsec tunnelling Connectivity between eNB and WLAN is over IP (TS36.300 Section 22A.3)

LWIP Tunnel IP packets transferred between the UE and LWIP-SeGW are encapsulated using IPSec Provide security to the packets that traverse WLAN Uplink and downlink data supported over WLAN Multiple bearers can be offloaded via IPSec The IP packets are then transported between the LWIP-SeGW and eNB The end to end path between the UE and eNB via the WLAN network is referred to as the LWIP tunnel

Security and Transparence For security reasons IPsec tunnel is terminated in LWIP-SeGW in eNB Single IPSec tunnel per UE for UL and DL data IPsec tunnel is transparent to WLAN infrastructure There are no standardized network interfaces in LWIP

LWIP Protocol Architecture

LWIP Protocol Stack

Security Gateway (SeGW) The use of insecure third party broadband for backhauling mobile voice and multimedia data from small cells exposes the mobile operator’s core network to IP-based attacks, user identity theft and fraud The SeGW provides market-leading IP Security/Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IPsec/IKEv2) tunnel performance The SeGW is a carrier class gateway for secure, scalable fixed mobile convergence solutions The SeGW provides mobile operators with a complete Security Gateway solution for security and aggregation of 3G (HNB), 4G LTE (HeNB) and 3GPP2 cdma cellular small cells, including femtocells, picocells or metrocells

Definitions, Symbols and Abbreviations The terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 Data Radio Bearer -DRB Internet Protocol -IP LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration Using Ipsec(security) Tunnel -LWIP LWIP Encapsulation Protocol -LWIPEP Generic Routing and Encapsulation -GRE Packet Data Convergence Protocol -PDCP Protocol Data Unit -PDU Radio Resource Control -RRC Service Access Point -SAP Service Data Unit -SDU

Bearer over LWIP Tunnel The data bearer refers to the EPS bearer mapped to the Data Radio Bearer (DRB) which is maintained on the LTE side The DRB configuration on the LTE access corresponding to the data bearer using IPsec resources shall not be released A single IPSec tunnel is used per UE for all the data bearers that are configured to send and/ or receive data over WLAN Each data bearer may be configured so that traffic for that bearer can be routed over the IPsec tunnel in either only downlink or both uplink and downlink over WLAN The RRC_Connection_Reconfiguration message provides the necessary parameters for the UE to initiate the establishment of the IPSec tunnel for the DRB

DL/UL of a Data Bearer For the DL of a data bearer, the packets received from the IPsec tunnel are forwarded directly to upper layers For the UL, the eNB configures the UE to route the uplink data either via LTE or via WLAN using RRC signaling If routed via WLAN then all UL traffic of the data bearer is offloaded to the WLAN UL bearer packets sent over the LWIP tunnel are encapsulated using LWIPEP as specified in TS 36.361 with the ‘Key’ field in the LWIPEP header populated with the DRB Identity associated with offloaded UL bearer

Release of a LWIP Tunnel The release of the IPSec tunnel is initiated by the eNB Upon receiving the Handover Command or on transition to RRC_IDLE state, the UE shall autonomously release IPsec tunnel configuration and the use of it by the data bearers A UE supporting LWIP may be configured for WLAN measurements as per subclause 22A.1.5.

LWIP Mobility The same mobility concept as specified in 22A.1.4 for LWA is also used for LWIP Since WT node does not exist in LWIP operation, WT related description and procedures does not apply to LWIP Mobility Set should be considered as the set of WLAN APs across which UE can perform mobility without informing the eNB, when applying the concept for LWIP operation

Issue with Multiple WLAN Interworking E-UTRAN does not configure LWIP with DC, LWA or RCLWI simultaneously for the same UE. If LWIP and RAN assisted WLAN interworking are simultaneously configured for the same UE, in RRC Connected, the UE only applies LWIP

LWIP Operation LWIP Tunnel Setup and Data Bearer Configuration The UE uses the parameters in the new radio resource configuration to setup the IPsec tunnel with the LWIP-SeGW to complete the establishment of the LWIP tunnel with the eNB over the WLAN access eNB may add or remove data bearers to utilise the LWIP tunnel at any time after the establishment of the LWIP tunnel by sending the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE 1.eNB配置UE執行用於LWIP操作的WLAN測量。 2.UE應用新配置並使用RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete消息進行答复。 3.UE向eNB發送WLAN測量。 4.eNB向UE發送包括WLAN移動性集合的RRCConnectionReconfiguration消息。 5.UE應用新配置和具有RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete消息的應答。 6.如果還沒有關聯,則UE考慮移動性集合與WLAN相關聯。 7.UE向eNB發送WLAN關聯的確認。 8.eNB向UE發送RRCConnectionReconfiguration消息,包括必要的參數以在WLAN上建立IPSec隧道,並且可以配置數據承載以利用IPsec隧道。 9.UE應用新配置和具有RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete消息的應答。 UE使用新無線電資源配置中的參數來與LWIP-SeGW建立IPsec隧道,以通過WLAN接入完成與eNB的LWIP隧道的建立。 eNB可以在通過向UE發送RRCConnectionReconfiguration消息來建立LWIP隧道之後的任何時間添加或刪除數據承載以利用LWIP隧道。

LWIP Tunnel for Data Bearer Setup Procedure 1. The eNB configures the UE to perform WLAN measurements for LWIP operation 2. The UE applies the new configuration and replies with RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message 3. UE sends WLAN measurements to the eNB 4. The eNB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE including the WLAN mobility set 5. The UE applies the new configuration and replies with RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message 6. UE associates with WLAN in consideration of the mobility set, if not already associated 7. UE sends confirmation of the WLAN association to the eNB 8. The eNB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE including the necessary parameters to establish IPSec tunnel over WLAN and may, configure data bearers to utilise the IPsec tunnel 9. The UE applies the new configuration and replies with RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message

Reconfiguration to Remove WLAN Resources

Remove Reconfiguration Procedure UE and eNB have the LWIP tunnel setup via WLAN 1. The UE is configured to receive data from a data bearer over the LWIP tunnel 2. The eNB determines that it needs to remove the WLAN resources for the data bearer 3. The eNB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE including the necessary parameters to remove WLAN resources for the data bearer 4. The UE applies the new configuration and replies with RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message 5. UE stops receiving data for the data bearer over the LWIP tunnel

LWIP Tunnel Release

Release Procedure 1. The eNB determines that it needs to release the LWIP tunnel and initiates the release of the IPsec tunnel between the UE and LWIP-SeGW 2. The eNB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE including the indication to release the LWIP tunnel 3. The UE applies the new configuration and replies with the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message 4. The UE releases the IPsec tunnel and associated data bearer configuration, and terminates the LWIP tunnel

LWIPEP Sublayer

LWIPEP Entity RRC is in control of the LWIPEP configuration Functions of the LWIPEP sublayer are performed by LWIPEP entities For an LWIPEP entity configured at the eNB There is a peer LWIPEP entity configured at the UE and vice versa The LWIPEP entity responsible for Encapsulating LWIPEP SDUs is referred to as the transmitter Decapsulating LWIPEP PDUs is referred to as the receiver

LWIPEP Operation An LWIPEP entity receives/delivers LWIPEP SDUs from/to upper layers (i.e. IP) and sends/receives LWIPEP PDUs to/from its peer LWIPEP entity via an LWIP Tunnel In the uplink direction: At the UE, when an LWIPEP entity receives an LWIPEP SDU from upper layers, it constructs the corresponding LWIPEP PDU and delivers it to lower layers At the eNB, when an LWIPEP entity receives an LWIPEP PDU from lower layers, it reassembles the corresponding LWIPEP SDU and delivers it to upper layers

LWIP Services Services provided to upper layers The following services are provided by LWIPEP to upper layers (i.e. IP):transfer of user plane data Services expected from lower layers The following services are expected by LWIPEP from lower layers (i.e. LWIP Tunnel):transfer of user plane data Functions The following functions are supported by the LWIPEP sublayer: Transfer of user plane data Identification of the DRB identity to which the LWIPEP SDU belongs

LWIP Procedures Data transfer procedures UL data transfer procedures When receiving an LWIPEP SDU from upper layers, the LWIPEP entity shall form the LWIPEP PDU Handling of unknown, unforeseen and erroneous protocol data When an LWIPEP entity receives an LWIPEP PDU that contains reserved or invalid values, the LWIPEP entity shall: discard the received PDU

LWIPEP Data PDU An LWIPEP data PDU consists of the LWIPEP header and the LWIPEP SDU

LWIPEP Data Bit Strings LWIPEP data PDU An LWIPEP PDU is a bit string that is byte aligned (i.e. multiple of 8 bits) in length Bit strings are represented by tables in which The most significant bit is the leftmost bit of the first line of the table, The least significant bit is the rightmost bit on the last line of the table, and More generally the bit string is to be read from left to right and then in the reading order of the lines The bit order of each parameter field within an LWIPEP PDU is represented with the first and most significant bit in the leftmost bit and the last and least significant bit in the rightmost bit

Formats and Parameters The LWIPEP Header is a GRE header as specified in RFC 2890 and has a fixed size of eight bytes including the Key field The UE shall set the 5 LSB's of the Key field in the GRE header to the DRB Identity associated with the LWIPEP SDU and set the remaining MSB's to '0‘ All other optional fields are unused, and the values of other fields shall be set as specified in RFC 2784 [4] and RFC 2890

References 3GPP TS 36.300: “E-UTRA and E-UTRAN Overall Description; Stage 2”, Section 22A.3 3GPP TS 36.361: “LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration Using IPsec Tunnel (LWIP) Encapsulation; Protocol Specification” 3GPP TR 21.905: “Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications” 3GPP TS 36.331: “E-UTRA RRC Protocol Specification” IETF RFC 2784: “Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)” IETF RFC 2890: “Key and Sequence Number Extensions to GRE”