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SODService TVServerList Activity Access Manager ThreadEx (for search) SmartPhone : 주변 스마트 TV 탐색 SODService TVServerList Activity Access Manager ThreadEx (for search) 앱 실행 startAtivity(intent) searchServer(localip, new SearchCallBack() ) invoke(new Object[]{ c b, t}, new ActionEx()) onSearch(ServerInfo info) ServerInformation 서버 목록 표시

Loop [true] TVServerList Activity SOD_PHONE Activity Access Manager SmartPhone : 서버 접속 TVServerList Activity SOD_PHONE Activity Access Manager ThreadEx (for network) 서버 접속 및 서비스 요청 startAtivity(intent) connect(serverInfomation) send(requestAcceptPacket) beginListening() invoke(null, new ActionEx()) Loop [true] Receive(AcceptPacket)

alt SOD_PHONE Activity Service Manager Access Manager ThreadEx SmartPhone : 서비스 다운로드 및 실행 SOD_PHONE Activity Service Manager Access Manager ThreadEx (for network) Service receive (AcceptPacket) checkServiceInstalled(serverName ) isExistServer( ) alt [ AccessManager.isExistService() == true] startService( ) handleMessage( ) send (requestServicePacket) [else] Receive (serviceFilePacket) installService( ) startService( ) handleMessage( ) InitHTML( ) 서비스 제공