Eagle exercise drought El Niño Gulf Stream La Niña Name of the ocean current that warms the British Isles drought El Niño Gulf Stream La Niña
Analyze meteorological data to predict weather conditions. Standard GLE 0607.8.3 Investigate the relationship between currents and oceanic temperature differences. GLE 0607.8.4 Analyze meteorological data to predict weather conditions.
EAGLE EXPECTATION/OBJECTIVE I can… identify the effects of El Niño on people and the environment explain the El Niño and La Niña phenomena map the patterns of El Niño and La Niña on a world map describe the benefits of accurately predicting the next El Niño or La Niña
Guiding question What are the characteristics of El Nino & La Nina? What devices are used to determine the phenomenons?
Turn –n- Talk Conversation Starter La Nina El Nino WHAT TYPE OF PHEMOMENON IS BREWING HERE? Explain your answer. WHAT TYPE OF PHEMOMENON IS BREWING HERE? Explain your answer. La Nina El Nino
VISUAL/AUDIO PERCEPTION The Ocean and Weather: El Nino and La Nina http://nationalgeographic.org/activity/the-ocean-and-weather-el-nino-and-la-nina/
Check for Comprehension What is El Nino? an unusually warm ocean current 2. What type of weather accompanies El Niño? accompanied by heavy rains and flooding 3. When does El Niño usually happen? around Christmas every 2-7/2-12 years
Check for Comprehension 4. What is La Niña? another weather phenomenon that includes unusually cold ocean temperatures that push warm surface water farther west than usual, 5. What type of weather does La Nina bring? creating the opposite effects of El Niño—drought where El Niño brought floods and floods where El Niño brought drought
Check for Comprehension What are some tools scientist Use to determine the onset of El Nino?
GRoup/Paired Activity Group # 1: Map the patterns of El Niño and La Niña in the world's oceans. Group # 2: White Board Climate Kids http://climatekids.nasa.gov/coral-bleaching/ Group # 3: Computer El Nino Activity Book pg. 3-9 http://www.oar.noaa.gov/k12/html/elnino2.html Group # 4: Computer El Nino WebQuest Worksheet http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/investigations/esu601/esu601page02 .cfm
Re-Cap What are the characteristics of El Nino & La Nina? How are scientist more equipped to predict their coming?
Where the Gulf Stream and other warm currents originate Eagle exit Where the Gulf Stream and other warm currents originate drought El Niño Gulf Stream La Niña