Satisfaction outcomes 2016 Scorecard Information from 1 January – 31 December, 2016 Our scorecards give information about our client groups and their rehabilitation outcomes. Community Rehabilitation in Wellington ABI Rehabilitation offers comprehensive home, community, and clinic-based rehabilitation for adults and children. Satisfaction outcomes Out of 35 client responses Concussion service: Multi-disciplinary treatment for clients with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury. Training for Independence (TI): Rehabilitation to increase independence in self care, domestic, and community- based activity. Psychological services: Support for individuals to manage changes to their mood, cognition or behaviour following their injury. Assessments: A series of tests (medical, physical, and/or pen-and-paper) designed to identify strengths and weaknesses. “Overall, how satisfied were you with our services?” 100% Were ‘mostly satisfied’, ‘satisfied’, or ‘completely satisfied’ “Would you recommend our services?” 100% Said ‘Yes’ “Rate the change in your condition?” 96.9% Got ‘moderately better’, ‘better’, or ‘a great deal better’ Clients Over Age 18 (369 programmes) 100% European 100% European Clients Under Age 18 (125 programmes) Male: 51.5% Female: 48.5% Male: 65.6% Female: 34.4% Gender: Gender: Age: Average: 41.1 years Range: 18-90 Age: Average: 12.3 years Range: 0-17 Rehab Programme Outcomes Concussion TI Psychology Number of programmes 217 78 17 Average time on programme 90.0 days 129.3 days 107.5 days % of clients who: Achieved programme goals 83.9% 79.5% 88.2% Partially achieved programme goals 13.8% 17.9% 0% Did not achieve programme goals 2.3% 2.6% 11.8% Rehab Programme Outcomes Concussion TI Psychology Number of programmes 83 23 5 Average time on programme 102.1 days 123.0 days 125.2 days % of clients who: Achieved programme goals 83.1% 56.5% 60% Partially achieved programme goals 15.6% 34.8% 40% Did not achieve programme goals 1.2% 8.7% 0% In addition, there were 57 stand-alone assessments. In addition, there were 14 stand-alone assessments. 09-831-0070 (Auckland) 04-237-0128 (Wellington) ABI Rehabilitation New Zealand Ltd.