Or What’s Our Vector Victor? The Vector Lecture Or What’s Our Vector Victor? 1b Students know that when forces are balanced, no acceleration occurs, thus an object continues to move at a constant speed or stays at rest. 1i* Students know how to solve 2 dimensional projectile problems 1j* Students know how to resolve two dimensional vectors into their components and calculate the magnitude and direction of a vector from its components.
Vectors vs. Scalar Quantities Vector quantities have both a magnitude (measure) and direction. Vector quantities add graphically Vector quantities have components usually perpendicular to one another. Scalar quantities have direction only Scalar quantities add algebraically (simply add values) No components Can have positive and negative values. THE TEST
Examples Displacement, velocity and acceleration Force Momentum and Impulse Torque, angular acceleration, angular velocity and angular displacement Time, mass Energy and Work Rotational kinetic energy
Vector Addition For vectors in same or opposite direction simply add or subtract. For vectors at right angles use pythagorus to add and get resultant. For vectors at angles other than right angle break up vector(s) into components, add and then use pythagorus. Graphically can always use tip to tail and using scaling for magnitude.
Vector Decomposition Dividing one vector into two component vectors Components are amount of vector quantity in that direction Perpendicular components do not affect one another Parallel Component = R cosine angle Perpendicular Component = R sine angle Opposite of vector addition R sine angle R Angle Question: What does it mean to decompose a vector? What does each component vector represent? What is so special about perpendicular component vectors? What are the formulas used to find perpendicular component vectors? Activities: Remind students that vector quantities have some part of them going in one direction and another part of them going in another direction. If we take one vector and make it into two vectors in those directions we have decomposed the vector. The two smaller vectors are called component vectors. Draw a displacement vector to the northeast and ask how far the hiker traveled to the east and to the north. Draw a coordinate plane and remind students of the sine and cosine functions they’ve used to find the two sides of a triangle given its hypotenuse. We can use the same equations to find the east and north components of this displacement. If necessary, draw a right triangle and derive the sine and cosine ratios. Another way to look at components is that they are the shadow of the resultant vector on the axes. If useful repeat the above with the weight of a mass on an inclined plane. 4) Draw a vector and show that there are many combinations of components that will give the resultant. State that we often choose to draw perpendicular components because they are independent of one another meaning changing one will not affect the other. We’ll demonstrate this property for motion vectors tomorrow. 5) Point out that decomposition of a vector is the opposite process to the addition of vectors. Here we are trying to find two vectors that when added will give the same effect to a body as the one resultant vector. R cosine angle
Use of Velocity Vectors: Wind and Wave Power Fastest point of sail is nearly perpendicular to wind Running with wind means you can only go as fast as the wind Running sideways to the wind means that wind continues to push on you even when you are going the same speed as wind A B Question: In what direction is the fastest point of sail for a sail boat? Activities: Explain question and then show video (5 minutes) Explain that moving sideways to the wind means that there is still a force on the sail even when the boat is moving the same speed or faster than the wind. Same is true for surfing or Boogie Boarding a wave. Go across the wave for fastest speeds. Relate Boogie board story if have time. Ask question which of the above boats will move the fastest? C
Vector vs. Scalar Quantities Scalars Vectors Have magnitude only Add algebraically Examples Time Mass Energy Temperature Heat and Internal Energy Represented with normal face type w/o line above value Magnitude and direction Add geometrically Examples Displacement Velocity Acceleration Force Momentum Torque Represented using arrows where length is magnitude and direction is direction Represented in text with boldface or with line above value Question: Define the terms vector an scalar? Which adds geometrically? Give three examples of a vector quantities and three of a scalar quantities used in physics. Activities: Define scalar as quantity with only a magnitude. One that can be described fully by a number. Define vector as a quantity with both a magnitude and direction. This means that a vector quantity can be partially in one direction and partially in another like the weight of a mass on an inclined plane or the displacement of a walker. State that because of direction vectors add differently than scalars. Specifically, 3+4 = 7 in scalar math but 3+4 can equal anything from -1 to 7 in vector math. Discuss test where place words left, right, down up, north, south with a quantity to see if it makes sense to determine if quantity is a vector or scalar. Try 30 m distance and 2 O Clock North as an example. List physics scalar quantities List physics vector quantities Discuss arrow and written representation of vector quantities. Draw three vectors on board (two of same length but opposite direction and one of the same direction but smaller length), label them a,b, and c and ask which are equal in magnitude and which are in the same direction? For physics E discuss the meaning of a negative vector (same magnitude but in opposite direction) and what happens to a vector when it is multiplied by a scalar.
Check Question 2 Which of the following represents the resulting vector for the two vectors to the right? C B A
Check Question 1 Which of the pictured vectors are in the same direction? A and B B and C A and C Which of the pictured vectors are equal in magnitude? A B C
Vector Addition Vector addition is when two vectors are added to become one resultant vector To add vectors they must be of the same measurement type and unit. Graphically add vectors by using tip to tail or parallelogram method Mathematically adding vectors Simply add magnitudes if in same direction Subtract magnitudes if in opposite direction Use Pythagorean Theorem if at right angles Direction found using tan q = y/x where y and x are vertical and horizontal measurement of same type Question: Define Vector addition. How do you find the magnitude and direction of two added vector quantities when they are a) in the same direction b) opposite direction c) at right angles to one another Activities: Airplane with tail wind Airplane with headwind Airplane w/ crosswind Airplane w/ combo wind pictorially and describe tip to tail method. Show that could add vectors in any order and come to same place. Show why this is sometimes called the parallelogram rule. Point out that to add vectors they must be of the same type and unit. In other words add displacements to displacements but not displacements to accelerations and meters can be added to meters but meters cannot be added to kilometers. For physics E discuss how the direction of the resultant vector can be found using the tangent function and the vertical and horizontal magnitudes. State that can actually use any trigonometric function to find angle depending on what sides of right triangle you have.
Check Question 3 Show the perpendicular components of the following resultant vectors. A B D C
Vector Addition Revisited To add vectors not in same direction or at right angles. Decompose each vector into perpendicular components Add components in same direction Find resultant using Pythagorean theorem Find angle using tangent or other trig function and components This is where the law of sines and cosines came from Px Py Qx P Q Question: How can components be used to mathematically add vector quantities which are not parallel or at right angles? Write the final formula for doing this calculation of magnitude. How is the angle of the resulting vector found? Activities: Remind students of airplane velocity problem we could not solve mathematically Draw two vectors, then draw components. Draw resulting vector and show that sum of vertical components make up adjacent side of right triangle and sum of horizontal components make up opposite side of right triangle Write distance equation with opposite and adjacent sides, then substitute components and finally take square root of both side. Qy
Use of Force Vectors: Inclined Plane Part of the weight tries to push mass into plane while part of weight tries to pull mass down plane As the angle of the incline plane goes from horizontal to vertical The amount of the weight into the plane decreases The amount of the weight down the plane increases The overall weight stays the same Question: What two directions do a masses weight try to push the mass when on an inclined plane? How do each of these change as the incline of the plane increases? Does the actual weight change? Explain why a ball rolls faster down a steep inclined plane vs. a shallow one. Activities: Show ball on inclined plane and discuss how weight pushes ball into plane and pulls ball down plane. Ask what happens to these components as incline angle becomes steeper Have students make prediction as to whether ball will accelerate more or less when on a steeper incline if their explanation is right. Test it and move on.
A Use of Force Vectors: Mechanical Equilibrium Forces in horizontal direction add to equal zero Forces in vertical direction add to equal zero Motion is that of constant velocity (model 1) one possibility is the object remains stationary NO ACCELERATION Examples String breaks when ends of string are pulled apart Unsupported chain cannot be pulled straight Bridge Demo Variables Question: Under what conditions does mechanical equilibrium occur? What types of motion are possible? Activities: Bring out wagon or constant velocity vehicle and lists conditions of equilibrium. Describe possible motions for wagon, point out that speeding up, slowing down or changing direction are not possibilities. Show demo with thread holding string and then pull ends apart to show string breaking. Discuss how less of the total force applied is in the vertical direction and more is in the horizontal direction as ends are pulled apart. Point out that to satisfy equilibrium the same force must continue to be applied in the vertical direction. This results in a greater overall force needing to be provided by the string. Use whiteboard if needed. Do demo with heavy chain showing that one it can never be pulled perfectly straight and two that a small sideways force easily defeats the large forces in line with the chain. Point out similarities with above demo in that the more curved the chain the more force is directed vertically. Remind students of bridge station yesterday. Ask if increasing bridge height will put more or less of the force in the vertical direction? How does this explain yesterday’s result? How does increasing the distance between the towers affect the amount of force directed vertically? Pulling car demo is a possibility here or during HW Review
Representing Vector Quantities Text book uses Bold type Can also use arrow over value Arrow representation Length gives magnitude Direction gives direction
Vector Quantities Vector quantities are those having magnitude and direction. Non-vector quantities are scalar. A vector quantity partially goes in one direction and partially in another The test: does it make sense if you put directions after it? Examples: velocity, acceleration, displacement, force, momentum and torque Vector quantities add differently than scalar quantities Question: How does a vector quantity differ from a scalar quantity? Do vector quantities add the same way as scalar quantities? Are the following quantities vectors or scalar: a) time b) mass c) temperature d) displacement e) velocity f) acceleration