Introduction and Overview


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Presentation transcript:

Advancing Deeper Learning and Equity Through Your Own ESSA State Plan December 13, 2016

Introduction and Overview

Introduction and Overview How much do you know about ESSA? Raise between 1 and 5 fingers (with 1 being the least amount of knowledge). Arrange yourselves into groups with people who have opposite numbers than you. Introduce yourself to your group: where do you work, and what is your role? Are you involved in your state or district ESSA planning process? To what extent will your work be impacted by ESSA?

ESSA in One Slide ESSA focuses on two overarching themes: (1) College- and Career- Readiness and (2) Equity ESSA then devolves authority toward states and districts to design key systems (e.g., assessment, accountability, supports, educator quality) and includes important pilot and incentive programs (e.g., innovative assessment, principal leadership, weighted funding, preschool development) But ESSA requires those state and local actions to be aligned with college- and career-readiness and equity goals; connected through research/evidence-based actions; informed by stakeholder engagement; and continuously improved over time (and includes certain guardrails)

Opportunities for deeper learning in ESSA

Key State Decision Points – Consolidated State Plans College and Career Readiness Assessment Accountability Teachers & School Leaders Support for English Learners Support for All Learners Continuous Improvement Stakeholder Engagement

Key State Decision Points Accountability: Key State Decision Points Developing a theory of action around accountability Choosing indicators Weighting summative determinations Designating low-performing schools for comprehensive or targeted support and improvement

Decision Tree Activity

Decision Tree Activity Within each choice point, there are a number of key decisions to be made. Please select a state in which you live, work, or another state one of you is very familiar with Walk through these key decisions, using the context of that state, as you complete a decision tree.

Decision Tree Activity Consider a number of tradeoffs, for example: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Simplicity/transparency Political will Capacity/funding Readiness

Articulating a theory of action around accountability: IF we design accountability in XX way, THEN we will advance equity and deeper learning. IF we use accountability to YY, then we will advance equity and deeper learning.

Decision Tree Activity Accountability Required Indicator Your Choice A. Academic achievement (proficiency) B. In elementary schools and secondary schools (not high schools), other academic indicator C. In high schools, graduation rate D. Progress in English language proficiency E. Student Success and/or School Quality F. Summative Determinations G. Reporting

Decision Tree Activity Accountability All accountability indicators and measures must be: Uniform statewide (within elementary vs middle vs high schools) Disaggregated Valid and Reliable

Decision Tree Activity Tradeoffs: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Simplicity/transparency Capacity/funding Political will Decision Tree Activity Accountability Academic Achievement (Proficiency) What academic proficiency levels will you include? (At least 3) Will you include additional points for performance above and below proficiency? (e.g. below basic, basic, proficient, advanced) Will you include growth measures for high schools?

Decision Tree Activity Tradeoffs: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Expectations/transparency Capacity/funding to measure Decision Tree Activity Accountability In High Schools, Graduation Rate ESSA requires inclusion of the 4-year graduation rate. Will you also include the extended year graduation rate for students who take longer to graduate? Why or why not?

Decision Tree Activity Tradeoffs: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Capacity/funding to measure Political will Decision Tree Activity Accountability In Elementary Schools and Middle Schools, Other Academic Indicator Will you use growth on reading or math assessments? Or will you include another academic subject (e.g. performance in science/social studies performance on a test)? If so, how might this other academic indicator measure or promote deeper learning?

Decision Tree Activity Tradeoffs: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Simplicity/transparency Policy/practice incentives Political will Capacity/funding to measure Validity/reliability Decision Tree Activity Accountability Student Success and/or School Quality ESSA requires at least one indicator for student success and/or school quality. Which indicators will your state use (e.g. success in advanced courses, discipline data, school climate surveys, opportunity to learn indicators, chronic absenteeism)? Will you include multiple measures of student success and/or school quality, or just one? How can the indicator(s) selected help advance deeper learning and equity? What will it tell you and how will policy/practice respond?

Decision Tree Activity Tradeoffs: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Simplicity/transparency Political will Decision Tree Activity Accountability, cont'd. Decision point: How should these indicators come together to determine which schools are identified for improvement or otherwise identified? This must include a summative rating for each school with at least three categories statewide (e.g. comprehensive support and improvement, targeted support and improvement, and all other schools). What categories will you use? Will you use a dashboard, summative index, matrix, or some other model/combination to determine which schools are in which category?

Decision Tree Activity Tradeoffs: Advancing deeper learning Advancing equity Simplicity/transparency Policy incentives Political will Capacity/funding Decision Tree Activity Accountability, cont'd. Decision point: How can your system report on deeper learning outcomes and school outcomes in a way that's useful for teachers, parents, and students, and other stakeholders? Which indicators will be used to provide additional information beyond accountability or help the state, district, and school diagnose the supports and interventions that schools and districts might need?

What advice would you give to those designing state ESSA plans? Share Out Choose One of Three Questions What were some of your hardest decision points to make, and why? Easiest? What is your sense of some of the biggest tradeoffs your state will have to make to incorporate deeper learning throughout your accountability system? What advice would you give to those designing state ESSA plans?

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