Mrs. King’s Math Update Getting ready for the end-of-quarter exam August 2017 CHAPTER 3 Learning Goals Dear Fred Column Dear Fred, I have always been good in math, but Algebra I is kicking my bootay! INeedHelp Determine whether relations are functions. Find the domain and range of a function. Identify the independent and dependent variables of functions. Identify linear functions using graphs, tables, and equations. Graph linear functions using discrete and continuous data. Describe real-life problems to fit data. Use function notation to evaluate and interpret functions. Use function notation to solve and graph functions. Graph equations of horizontal and vertical lines. Graph linear equations in standard form using intercepts. Find the slope of a line. Use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation. Use slopes and y-intercepts to solve real-life problems. Translate, reflect, stretch, shrink and combine transformations of graphs of linear functions. Translate, stretch, shrink, reflect, and combine graphs of absolute value functions. Dear INeedHelp, For some students, Algebra I is the first class they encounter where they really feel like they have hit a wall. It’s tough to be faced with having to memorize formulas and follow specific procedures to solve problems. You need to think about why it might be difficult. Sometimes the problem isn’t with the procedure as much as it is doing the computation. If you struggled with integers (positive and negative numbers) or with computing problems containing fractions, you may need to go back and review these concepts. They will continue to pop up throughout this year and in the years to follow. The problem sometimes is missing background information. You may have holes where you need to brush up on a skill. The skills review link in big ideas will give you some good assistance in specific topics. Another resource is the Khan Academy video’s. I have an account so that when I log in, it suggests practice for me based on what I have already done. It is free for an account and it feels good to earn badges for accomplishing the tasks. Even though we have make it this far in school, some students have trouble taking good notes or using the notes as a tool to prepare for a test. NHS has students who volunteer to help other students with tutoring, backpack organizing, or help with note-taking or study skills. Their schedule is announced during our academic lab announcements. You also have a teacher who is willing to help you out. It’s humbling to ask for help sometimes. Just know that those who ask for help are more likely to get it than those who don’t ask. Find a friend who you can contact after school if you need to swap notes. You got this. Don’t stop trying because you might be ONE question away from that aha moment. What if you miss it by not asking that ONE question that may be just what you need? Thanks for writing! Fred Getting ready for the end-of-quarter exam Quarter 1 Exam Facts Preparing Attend tutoring to ask questions on topics you don’t understand Ask questions in class Prepare an amazing note sheet Bring example problems to class Complete all of the practice materials (see study guide for suggestions) Ask more questions in class Cumulative including chapters 1, 2, and 3 Graphing calculator IS allowed Phone calculator is NOT allowed One handwritten page of notes IS allowed. (Both sides) Date: September 27th and 28th (Block day) Format: 30 multiple choice questions 150points Contextual problem solving section worth 50 points completed by 9/22. See the classroom website—there are now separate pages for homework/tutoring and announcements/files.