Vocabulary and Amazing Words Frogs Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading
vegetarian Living things that eat only food from plants.
bulges Curves outward.
spawn To lay eggs.
shed To drop or lose.
skin Outer covering of the body.
crawls Moves slowly on hands and knees.
insects Animals with six legs and three body parts.
powerful Having power or great strength.
wonderful Causing wonder or amazement.
pond A small body of water.
pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges Vocabulary Words pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
Some animals their . pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
The lizard along the rocky path. pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
You can sometimes find a frog in a . pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
Some frogs eat . pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
The waves knocked against the shore. pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
My mom is a she does not like to eat meat. pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
When a frog she lays hundreds of little eggs. pond wonderful powerful insects crawls skin shed spawn bulges vegetarians
appearance stage transform restless pursue canopy forage forepaw Amazing Words appearance stage transform restless pursue canopy forage forepaw
pursue To follow or chase something.
canopy A covering above something else.
forepaw One of the front feet of an animal with four paws.
restless Not able to be still; wanting a change.
forage To go from place to place looking for something, usually food.
transform To change something.
stage A step or time in a person’s or animal’s life.
appearance The way a person, an animal, or a thing looks.