Employability 2 3rd week
Aims Recap previous session Did you register on the life long learning website? Did you complete the skills audit? Have you created an action plan?
Aims Business plan
Objectives To complete your registration for life long learning account Complete the action plan Complete skills check Watch Lucie’s Video Create business plan
Lucie’s Video Go to the princes trust website https://www.princes-trust.org.uk/help-for-young-people/tools-resources/business-tools Watch Lucie’s video Feedback to the group
Business plan
Business Plans Crucial for setting up your own business A business plan is an outline of your business The market it will operate and how it will make money
WHY WILL YOUR BUSINESS SUCEED WHEN SO MANY OTHERS FAIL? TOP TIPS: Be concise Be specific Know your market Know your Finances
Packs Business plan pack use the website for a business plan or find one which you’d prefer to use. www.princestrust.org.uk/document_Business -plan-pack-PDF.pdf
Conclusion The tasks and activities on this presentation are important if you wish to prepare a good structured business plan . The skills audit and action plans regarding your current career options will take time but please persevere these tasks are important.