Revision Techniques
Spend chunks of time on each subject and take regular breaks First of all, you need a revision timetable Spend chunks of time on each subject and take regular breaks
Find somewhere to revise NOT in front of the TV. NOT listening to the radio. Music can sometimes be OK, but you need to find the right kind
Make sure you revise the right things Check you revising the correct parts of your work. Don’t waste time going over things you already know
Don’t waste time Be smart with your revision. Don’t sit and read for hours or make endless notes. Follow the advice of teachers!
Revision Techniques Video:
Revision Cards Read through the work you’ve done and write the key facts down in bullet points
Buzz Words Highlighting or writing key words in a text is good for this
An Example of a Wordle
Mind Maps
Story Boards/Cartoon Strips Write and draw key stages in a process of story. This engages both sides of the brain.
A word-only version of the story boards. Flowcharts A word-only version of the story boards.
Record yourself reading your notes and pop it on your MP3 player. Voice Recordings Record yourself reading your notes and pop it on your MP3 player.
Test each other on your knowledge using quizzes and buzzwords Work in Groups Test each other on your knowledge using quizzes and buzzwords
Practice Papers This will make you feel more comfortable in the exam and will help you practice your technique.
Annotations Read through text and highlight or write notes about key words and phrases.
Post-it note/Memory Joggers Use post-it notes to write down key words, ideas, quotes, etc
In the Exam
Read the questions Read the question and underline and key words. Make sure you haven’t missed any questions
Don’t dwell on what you can’t do, focus on doing what can do first Focus on what you CAN do Don’t dwell on what you can’t do, focus on doing what can do first
Use all your time in the exam, check, check and check again!